Blanche's Chat Room
User Sada has entered the room.
Yoo, Blanche! Long time no see!
Hello Sada! It is a pleasure to see you again. Tell me, how are you doing?
Err, ok, I guess. I'm taking a break in a room in level 13. Walking for 5 days straight can be tiring to be honest.
And you? How are you doing? I see you got a rather interesting thing set up here.
I am doing quite well, and yes this chatroom really is interesting! I got to contact so many people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I'm happy to hear that you are okay, the last time you came here you were badly injured… could you tell me what happened then? You never actually told me…
Huh? Ahh, I remember! I was attacked from behind by a clump. Well I don't mind it, I got away quickly so it's okay. Sorry if I had you worried.
By the way, mind if I come visit in about two (2) or three (3) days? I found something rather interesting.
I’ll admit, I was quite worried…
Sure thing! I’ll be sure to have some tea and biscuits ready when you do visit. Oh, and what is it that you found?
H%#l if I know. It might be better to let you handle it.
How intriguing…
By the way, remember that cogwheel I gave you about 122 years ago?? This thing looks like it could fit in it.
It's weird how I find these ancient s#@t anyway, well I suppose I am ancient myself too haha!
Well, you’ve piqued my curiosity… I do remember that cogwheel, I have it stored somewhere with the other artifacts I’ve collected. Where did you find this new object?
Umm, let's see, I believe it was in that huge tree level. I found it in a cave if I remember correctly.
I suppose you’re referring to Megaflora?
Ah, yeah, yeah, Megaflora, that place gives me the creeps to be honest >.>
I hear that quite often from my guests, too. Well, I’ll be waiting to see what you found there.
Oh well I will take a nap, I'm too tired to even look at my phone. And it might not take long before those M.E.G people come looking for me again and constantly ask me to help them, tch.
Oh well it's not like I hate them or something it's ju-ehh I am talking too much already, see you around Blanche!
You have been a massive help to them, so it is no surprise they seek your aid… but I will have a talk with a few of them to not bother you as much. I feel as though you could use the break.
Thanks, and goodbye!
Farewell, Sada. Do take care.
User Sada has left the room.
User david has entered the room.
i was told to that you have the smarts
can you help me
Gladly. What may I help you with?
i'm am horny for the knowledge with you have
need of the knowledge on how to juice orange with no orange juicer
very importantive you reply soon. am making good stuff
Pardon, I don't think I follow… if what you wish to know is how to make orange juice without a machine, you can simply slice the orange in half and squeeze it by hand.
i need to turn orang
to waters
the orange waters, fully, no orange meat leaft behind
I see. You could use a filter to separate the liquid from the solid bits!
no no no, you do not understand wise woman
i need meat turns into liquid. how hard to understand?
please inform quickly. have god work to do in few mins and need ur help now asap
My apologies, but I don't think I understand what exactly is it that you're looking for…
useless. all nowing god yet cannot tell how to juicer the orange
is fine. i go search for other god guidance now.
actually, u know where to find an god that's very smarts about orange?
Well, for starters, I may have collected plenty of knowledge throughout the course of my lengthy life, but I am still far from being all-knowing. To be frank, I believe I never will be, and I'm not exactly interested in getting there either. The pursuit of knowledge is much more interesting than knowledge itself to me.
I know of someone who might be able to assist you. Her name is Eytelis, and she's often seen on Level 797. Should you seek her guidance, tell her I sent you.
I go level now. you and i will meet to another time in the future very soon a lot
User david has left the room.
User Rgilbert has entered the room.
Hello Blanche how are you?
I finally found some connection! Woah this was hard
Oh remember me? We met about a month ago! Though I am gonna stay where I am, you know, the rivers and the golden forest? Me and my friends went quite deep in it and found this place, it is sooo perfect! It is glowing in all colors and I can literally eat the leaves from the trees lol.
Hello! I do remember, an archivist's memory must stay sharp. Oh, Level 300? I did read the new page about it that popped up recently, it seems like a delightful place. Seems as though you're doing well! Tell me, what brings you here today?
Just wanted to say hi and, uh, and wanted to make sure at least someone remembers me. This place seems fine, but I still don't fully trust it. D/$# the connection is getting worse
Oh, how kind of you… you need not worry, I'll be sure to keep you in my memory, dear. Do take care, okay?
User Rgilbert has left the room.
User Joker has entered the room.
What did the Joker say to the victims?
Nothing, they are already dead. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
User Joker has left the room.
What kind of twisted joke is this? People's lives are no joking matter!
User Restartt has entered the room.
Hello? This thing connected?? This d&$% thing just isn’t working today…
It seems to be working on my end… Hello again! While the chatroom does have a self-censoring feature, I'd much prefer it if you minded your language…
Oh! Hello again. Please excuse my language, I was just a bit frustrated about not being able to connect after so many attempts. Well, it’s been a bit, how are you?
I've been doing quite well. There haven't been many guests this evening, and Berry has been sleeping all day, so I've had plenty of time for myself and my work.
What about you?
I’m still alive, so that’s a start. I’ve been traversing some of the earlier levels here, doing trades and the such. I’ve ended up in a small community in level 10. By the way, I’ve noticed I haven’t really said what my name is yet, so you can call me Joshua. Josh for short.
My gosh, where are my manners! I completely forgot about introductions… though I suppose I need not introduce myself. It is good to hear you are doing well, Joshua.
Thanks, anyways, into why I’m back on here, I wanted to see if you knew what the best exit out of level 10 would be, preferably one that didn’t lead to pain and misery, but if it has to be done. Reason being, I can somehow access this, but not the database. Perhaps cause it’s too much to load on there. It would be a real help if you could let me know, thanks in advance Blanche.
Level 10… most of it's exits lead into rather unsafe places. Your best bet would be trying to reach Level 1 through one of the bunkers, or perhaps you could find one of my books lying around! It would take you to me in an instant.
Really!? That’d be great, but I suppose it’s quite rare. My best bet is likely going to level 1, I’m not in a rush though, so I’m gonna relax for a while, I’ll let you know if I find a book, because I’ll definitely visit!
There is… one other exit you could use, though it's not on the page itself, and I doubt you could find it alone… if you do wish to leave Level 10 urgently, do let me know. I believe my butler could guide you to Level 797.
Thanks, I may need it.. But if I may ask, what is this exit?
Knowledge of how to access Level 797 could be dangerous, should it fall in the wrong hands. I cannot disclose such information, not here at least. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
I see.. Well thank you Blanche, it’s been a pleasure speaking to you once again. I hope you have a good day.
Farewell, Joshua. Do take care.
You too, speak to you soon Blanche.
User Restartt has left the room.
User abyssShriek has entered the room.
what is this site
is thi sa chat or something
Hello, and welcome to my chatroom! I am Blanche Von Haderach, keeper of the Cygnus Archive. How may I help you?
what is this place
Well, if you're asking about your phyisical whereabouts, I've got no clue. Perhaps I could help you, if you described your surrondings to me? If you're inquiring about this web site, however, this is a chatroom that I asked a few of my good friends over at the M.E.G. to set up for me, in order to communicate with people outside my domain.
was doing my own thing then
woke up in yellow rooms
wait dont tell me
this is the backrooms isnt it
i cant believe the meme is fu#$%"5 real
I see… I'll have to ask you to try and remain calm, dear. Panicking will be actively harmful to you. Unlike most, you were lucky enough to have some company of sorts during your journey through Level 0. If possible, please try and keep contact with me, okay? Isolation can have some adverse effects…
Lovely. How are you feeling?
this is all weird
i know this isnt a dream
but like
is there really a lot more inside these rooms
like what is the m e g
i think ive heard of them in some creative writing thing
It is normal to feel strange. You have just crossed the fabric of reality, an experience humans are fundamentally unprepared for. The sooner you get yourself used to this new situation, the better… though it will take you some time.
I hear there's a lot to see and do in the vast realm you call the Backrooms, although I sadly cannot explore it for myself… a shame, truly. The M.E.G. is a group of people who, much like you, are simply trying to survive in this new reality. They often help newcomers like you, and serarching for one of their bases should be one of your priorities.
Creative writing, you say? How intriguing…
what is that thing
its uh
User abyssShriek has left the room.
Did something happen, dear?
Oh my, I hope everything's all right… there are no recorded entities in Level 0, after all…
User boifromsomewhere has entered the room.
User boifromsomewhere has left the room.
What could this mean? I've gotten a fair share of enigmatic, cryptic messages ever since this chatroom was created, but this one has puzzled me the most. Unlike the others, there is not a single clue as to what it could mean. Even the strange coded messages had meaning, hidden behind all that decyphering work… speaking of, I should get to work on those again sooner or later. I wonder where I left my notes… thank you, kind stranger, for reminding me of my research. I'd love to have you for tea sometime!
ma'am they already left
Oh. I hadn't noticed.
User model.blanche has entered the room.
May I know who am I having the pleasure of chatting with?
Oh, apologies for not introducing myself. My name is Blanche, and your name is…?
My, what a coincidence! I, too, go by that name. Tell me, what brings you here?
Hello Blanche! I find pleasure in chatting with people that have the same interests as me, and a friend redirected me to you.
I see… well, it is a pleasure to meet you! I believe we'll get along swimmingly. What would you like to chat about?
What are your hobbies?
Well… I enjoy cooking, preparing tea, reading, writing and looking after my cat, Berry, just to name a few.
What a funny coincidence, even our cats have the same name. Anyway, what is your favorite type of tea?
I'm quite fond of various types of tea, and I've yet to find a type of tea I dislike. If I had to pick just one, however, I'd go with Earl Grey.
I see, I must say you have exquisite taste. Few things are more pleasant than a warm cup of tea and a nice book.
Seems I was right in my assumption that we would get along quite well. I'd love to have you over for tea sometime, I feel it'd be a much more pleasant expreience to meet you face to face.
I would have gladly have had tea with you, although I am unable to do so, because of some… "circumstances," let's put it that way.
What a shame… if you don't mind the question, may I ask what these circumstances are?
Well Blanche, it is a very bizarre problem that might confuse you.
My, how intriguing! Care to elaborate?
User model.blanche has left the room.
User Sol103 has entered the room.
I'm not quite sure what is it that you mean… I've scoured every dictionary I could find, yet the word "waifu" was nowhere to be found…
Omg so kawai!!!!!!
Show me your feet
I- Well, a rather unusual request, and one I'm afraid I cannot fulfill. Those picture-capturing devices of human design seem to never work within my library…
Accept my friend request
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "friend request", but we could be friends, yes.
catmaid blanche is the hottest thing EVAR aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I sent u my sausage pls respond
I don't think I follow…
User Sol103 has been kicked from the room.
Kicked? What happened?
I believe you were being hit on, ma'am…
User Bug has entered the room.
Hmm, a new page. What is this?
This is! A chatroom that some friends of mine over at the M.E.G. have prepared for me, so that I can communicate with people outside the Cygnus Archive. I am Blanche Von Haderach, keeper of the aforementioned archive.
Another place? Interesting. I suppose its functioning. But how are you Blanche? I feel like i've heard your name before.
I'm doing quite well, thank you for asking! I've been told I've become quite popular within the Backrooms, which honestly still comes as a surprise to me…
You have indeed become popular. But not just in your world. But please remember. Soon when all hope melds into darkness. The prophecy requires you… Ciao!
User Bug has left the room.
My, how ominous….
User SoyDeans has entered the room.
uh, what was the word for greeting people again…
A simple "hello" will suffice, my dear.
Right, hi, uh… who are you again?
I am Blanche Von Haderach, keeper of the Cygnus Archive.
Oh yeah, uh… I forgot the greeting word again…
User SoyDeans has left the room.
User G0d0fch0ic3s69420 has entered the room.
G0d0fch0ic3s69420 :
Hello? Is this working?
It is, my dear Janus.
G0d0fch0ic3s69420 :
Oh goodie, this new tech is rough for us oldies.
Oh, indeed. It is quite the interesting development in human evolution, I suppose. Such an ingenious species… they've progressed more over the last 50 or so years than in all of the Roman Empire's history. I thought I'd make use of such developments, too. It is by no means a replacement for meeting my guests in person, and it certainly pales in comparison to the written letters we used to exchange, but it does allow me to communicate with all sorts of people throughout this realm. A lovely idea, don't you think?
G0d0fch0ic3s69420 :
But of course! I always support friends' business endeavors, especially yours, Blanche.
My, how kind of you. Tell me, old friend, how have you been?
G0d0fch0ic3s69420 :
Rather busy, unfortunately… I really hate to have to cut this short, but something… urgent requires my attention. We'll chat later, dearie.
Oh, how unfortunate… but very well. I'll be waiting for that chat, Janus. Do take care.
User G0d0fch0ic3s69420 has left the room.
User Pastel B. has entered the room.
Pastel B. :
Hi, if I can ever meet you, would you like to eat a big huge strawberry cake together?
Oh, goodness, that sounds quite lovely? Should I prepare some tea, too? Oh, and I assume you already know how to come visit, correct?
Pastel B. :
Uh, well I don’t know how to visit. I have heard about you but I don’t really know how to get to you. But I’m sure I’ll find my way! And yes tea sounds great too Blanche!
Oh, I see. Well, all you need is to find a book of mine! I hear they can be found scattered throughout the Backrooms. Once you do, simply swipe your finger across my signature and you'll be here in no time!
User Pastel B. has left the room.
User ,facel+ t1*} has entered the room.
,facel+ t1*} :
,hello1 ;i ?9k ? *at supports brl8 ,i am a 8facel+0
I'm not quite sure I follow…
,facel+ t1*} :
,huh1 x does n seems s4 ,well1 ;i h a lesson "r n{1 s ;i w 2 l1v+4
User ,facel+ t1*} has left the room.
Well, certainly an odd experience…
User V. Valentin has entered the room.
V. Valentin :, eh? Intriguing. What motivated you to make this site?
Ah, Viktor? My apologies, I've yet to get used to these "usernames," after all. To answer your question, however, it was recommended to me by a friend.
V. Valentin :
Nifty little setup. How have you been doing lately, madam?
I've been doing quite well, thank you for asking. Seems today's a rather slow day at the Archive, so I've elected to tend to this little "chat room." What about you, dear? Ever the busy man?
V. Valentin :
As always, Lady Blanche. So many relations to upkeep I feel like an octopus with my arms stretched thin! All jokes aside it's been going well here. We've gotten your submission for that new Unnumbered Level we're looking into. Thank you for that note, by the way. Helps us out more than you know.
I'm glad I could be of help, my dear. After all, knowledge has no value unless shared.
V. Valentin :
How has Tom been doing lately? It's been a while since I last interacted with that rascal. Apologies for that… interaction you had with me a few months ago. This crystal injury seems to despise me.
Rascal? Goodness, I do hope he has been behaving himself… truth be told I'm a tad worried about him. I feel as though he may be overworking himself, but he insists otherwise. As for your injury, you need not apologize, dear. Should it ever occur again, do not hesitate to come to me.
V. Valentin :
Of course. Your hospitality has saved me a good couple of times. As for Tom, he has definitely been overworking. I can see it in the kid's eyes and body, and I've been in his position before. He's got something on his mind, and he won't stop until he does something with it. Even if that means working the hell out of his body.
V. Valentin :
I worry for him sometimes. Hardly know 'em, but he has this… adventurous feeling to him that you can't ignore. Makes you look up at him almost.
…I thought as much. I've been hesitant to confront him about it, since he does say he is doing well, but I've noticed a few concerning things… and this has now reignited those worries.
V. Valentin :
I do apologize if I have caused these worried to return. I know that a few of my Diggers saw him on Level 291 about an hour ago, if that helps at all. We know you still can't leave the Archive, so that's as much as I can do.
V. Valentin :
Say, speaking of you not being able to leave, I remember hearing passing talk of someone going out to collect pictures for you. Quite nice of them.
My, my, you do have eyes everywhere, after all… rather impressive, I'll admit. I do wonder what he could be up to in that cargo ship… likely refilling on Almond Water. I do appreciate you keeping me informed.
Oh, some of my guests do offer to do so for me, and I'm quite glad for such kindness. Were it not for my condition, I assure you I'd be exploring this realm myself… but since that isn't an option, I'll have to resort to the next best thing, even if I don't quite understand how those image capturing devices of yours work… they never seem to function in my home.
V. Valentin :
We still haven't figured that out either. Leading theory is that a side effect or subconscious afterthought from you stops devices from working. If that doesn't hold much merit, someone else is pursuing the idea of there being more than one entity in Level 906. Honestly I'm not too sure myself.
How intriguing… well, as far as I'm aware, there is no one else but me, Berry, my guests, and Light Guides in this place, and I doubt any of them would be preventing image capture… I, for one would very much enjoy taking pictures with my guests…
V. Valentin :
Yeah, you would have a hayday with devices working in 906. Ради бога, something came up. It was nice talking to you, Blanche. Maybe we can meet up again sometime and have some tea. До свидания!
До свидания, Viktor. Do take care.
User V. Valentin has left the room.
User Spec has entered the room. .
Spec :
Guess who-
Greetings, Spec! A pleasure to hear from you again.
Spec :
Likewise- why didn’t you tell me you had a forums page?
Well, it is somewhat of a recent development… and it has been quite some time since your last visit.
Spec :
Blanche its been three weeks
Three weeks? Goodness, it feels like it has been much longer…
Spec :
Well, time does flow strangely when you’re pulling an Azathoth.
I'm not quite sure I follow… oh well. How are you doing, dear?
Spec :
Pretty all right, all things considered. Been rather busy as of late- the M.E.G. tried to hold me just last week, can you imagine that?
Spec :
After everything that I told them the first time…
Oh, goodness, what did you get yourself into?
Spec :
I don’t even know! As much as I get along with Stretch Kat and Andrew, I feel like theres some new hotshot explorer every month who has a passion for ignoring group policy
Oh, well… I do hope you're taking good care of yourself.
Spec :
More or less- the books certainly have been helping my condition more and more every day. Thanks for that by the way…
I'm very glad I could be of help.
Spec :
So am I- LOL! I should get going, talk to you later
Very well, dear. Do take care.
User Spec has left the room. .
User schulzen_reik has entered the room. .
schulzen_reik :
hello, is this lady blanche?
Indeed it is, my dear. May I know who am I having the pleasure of talking to?
schulzen_reik :
oh, my name is Schulze and a scientist for the M.E.G.
Ah, I see. I've yet to get used to this "chatroom" thing, so I apologize for any inconveniences that may cause.
schulzen_reik :
oh i see, command said they were launching a new network
didn't know it was involving you but it's nice meeting you ma'am
Well, even if it is through digital means, it a quiet nice to meet you too.
schulzen_reik :
um, just a random question that popped up in my head, what are you thoughts on coffee? and can you, somehow, teleport coffee on my desk?
I do enjoy some coffee every now and then, but I still very much have a preference for tea. As for your other question… well, in theory, I could send you some coffee, but I have no control over where it would end up within the level you're in.
schulzen_reik :
oh okay, well i'm in base alpha, and i will try to find it nonetheless. i heard the coffee you brew for some of the guys that visited 906 was good and i don't have much time to head out anyway so this is a good opportunity
Very well. I'll be preparing your coffee as we speak.
schulzen_reik :
have you ever read Filipino books before ma'am?
I have! My friends over at the Kalag Institute have recommended me plenty of filipino literature.
schulzen_reik :
I suggest reading El Filibusterismo by our national hero José Rizal, preferably in Tagalog but whatever suits your taste ma'am
I see. I'll be sure to put it in my list of books to read.
schulzen_reik :
it's the sequel to Noli Me Tángere if you've ever read that
Oh, I have! I wasn't aware of the fact that there was a sequel, how curious…
schulzen_reik :
oh i see but anyway i still need to do some data logging, so i will be heading out now ma'am
i will be trying to find the coffee
Very well. Best of luck in your endeavors.
User schulzen_reik has left the room. .