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Blanche's Chat Room

User Blanche has entered the room.

Hello, world. This is a test.

It seems to be working properly!

User Faith_S. has entered the room.

This is a test!

Seems to be working well on our end, too!

User Kayn42 has entered the room.


Everything's operational here, too. Should we open this up?

User AxlLow2187 has entered the room.

Yh, sounds gud to me, everything's working, let's get this open

Already? I'm not quite sure I'm ready, I should get more accquainted with the inner workings of this little system of yours beforehand, don't you agree?

Dw, you got Tom there to help you, you got this ma'am! Besides, ther's sum other ppl willing 2 help, we'll be checking up on you every now n then

It's okay to be a bit nervous, but you'll get the hang of it quick! Besides, it'll be fun! ^_^

…Very well, then.

Chatroom settings updated. "" is now Public.

User squishybishy has entered the room.

Oh, hello!

Hello! Have we met before?


In that case, it is a pleasure to meet you, even if through digital means.

Hello again Blanche

Since it doesn’t matter at this point (my friend, the one who the username “Squishybishy” belongs to has all but abandoned the chatroom to resume their course of knowledge seeking…the most…normal thing I have seen come out of them in all my time of being their friend), this account will be now belong to (and be used by) me indefinitely

I see… may I know who am I having the pleasure of chatting with?

I let you call me “Zero”, but I do not have a name

My, what a coincidence! I had a guest who went by the same name the other day.


Anyways, I found a cat??? It was fully black, and there didn’t appear to be anything about it that would indicate any origin from our world. By this I mean it looks and, from what I see, acts like a cat from what humans call the “Frontrooms”

There was no issue with the cat in anyway, it just started following me so I assumed it needed rescuing from something on the levels and resumed my proper protocol…

UPDATE: I was correct in my assumption, right now I have managed to barricade myself and the cat from an…annoying number of humans(?) in their attempt to surround me

Oh my… could it be Berry? Has he ran off again? If so, I recommend you leave your current location as soon as possible. Those Visionaries are quite pesky…

User squishybishy has left the room.

Oh, Berry is here with me… seems those Visionaries have the wrong cat again. This "Zero" should be alright.

User Hanc has entered the room.

Hi? Hanc on this side, are you around Blanche?

Hello! It truly is a delight to be chatting with you once again, mon chéri. How have you been doing? Has work been troubling you lately? If you need some rest, you will always be a welcome guest at the Cygnus Archive!

Welll… About that… I may have read a few things I shouldn't have. You know with the… Yeah.

I'm not quite sure I follow… what exactly do you mean?

I've read after the last warning on your old entity page, the "Witnessing the Beyond" stuff and all. I wanted to let you know that before my next visit… if I can come back at all.

I see… worry not, mon chéri, you'll still be able to come visit if you'd like. I'll merely have to do a little preparation, nothing else.

Nice, thanks! I need to do some jobs before I can visit you, I'll be there in a week or so. See you soon archivist!

I eagerly await your visit, Hanc.

User Hanc has left the room.

User develynn has entered the room.

develynn :
black rider location backrooms

The Black Rider is located in the Coliseum, or, as the M.E.G. calls it, Level 470.

I assume this to be Diana Evelynn? It has been quite some time since our last chat, how are you doing, dear?

User develynn has left the room.

User Burnt_0ne has entered the room.

User Hint_Master has entered the room.

This is Fino endrizzi working on some terminals brought from Level 4 at outpost House Keeping, is this actually Blanche?

Wow, can't wait for someone pretending to be blanche get someone F###ing killed.

I can assure you that yes, this is Blanche Von Haderach, keeper of the Cygnus Archive. Have we met before?

I can assure you we've never met before, I think we do have one or two here who have, I apologize for my fellow survivor Larry, I don't think he knows how to be polite.

I swear to god Fino, you always talk like I'm not here. But she's right, neither of us have met you beyond seeing your name in the database. If again, you really are who you say you are and not some idiot in Level 4 on an office terminal.

I see… a pleasure to meet the two of you! Would you mind introducing yourselves? Besides the names, of course.

Well, we both are on level 5, Larry and I are working on understanding Object 48 in the database; which is Liquid pain. Other than that there isn't much to know other than who we were from the Frontrooms.
Larry and I mostly stay inside doing our work, we just offer our findings to the M.E.G. in return for food and a place to stay.

Seems like Fino spoke for me, we don't have much to tell other than our work in researching. Not much we can do with only rudimentary supplies from the Trader's Vault. Getting even just PH paper was a pain.

I mean they didn't even need it! and it's not like any F###ing else would even consider getting it! I can't believe we had to set up a damn trap for them just for some basic scientific tools!

Larry are you serious, please keep you're rants for our logs rather than clogging the chat. -_-

Liquid Pain, you say… I'm sure there is a book or two about it at the Cygnus Archive. If you do find your way here, I'll be more than glad to assist you in your research.

Really? That would be such a help! All we have currently is just a method of purification and boiling off the water in it to get whatever else is in it. Larry thinks it should be sulfuric acid or something like disulfuric acid, with the rest being lipopeptides and a few other things we can't identify! One of the benefits of having someone who was a biochemist in the front rooms!

Beyond that though, we're clueless. Even then the information we've collected is shaky at best.

Anyways, we would be happy to take you up on that offer! If we can find your signature lying around here! We should be able to get it from someone in our outpost anyways.

Lovely! I'll be sure to have some tea ready by then. I look forward to meeting the two of you in person.

User Burnt_0ne has left the room.

User Hint_Master has left the room.

User quinoa_ has entered the room.

quinoa_ :
Hello, and welcome back to 'Talking With Quinoa.' If you could be any animal, what would you be? Personally, I'd be a mushroom. Before you get all 'Oh, but Quinoa, mushrooms aren't animals' on me, let me just say this: those motherf#£¿ers can talk to one another. Isn't that so f#&¥ed up? Mushrooms can talk. Plants don't talk, right? Therefore, mushrooms are animals. And if I were an animal, I'd be a mushroom. Follow your heart!

Hello, Quinoa. I don't think we've met before, but I have heard… a few things about you. I must say that it is a pleasure to finally chat with you.

That being said, I can't help but to notice a few flaws in your reasoning. Firstly, mushrooms are neither plant nor animal. They're fungi. Secondly, the ability to talk doesn't make something an animal… by your logic, would mute people be plants? Lastly, while this chat room is thankfully censored, I'd still prefer you to mind your language.

I must admit that I find fungi to be quite the interesting specimens, and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one of this opinion. Tell me, have you heard of mycetozoa? During a certain part of their life cycle, these little fungi are capable of locomotion!


User quinoa_ has left the room.

Oh. Rather rude of them to leave without answering…

User has entered the room.
Dear blanche,


As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I'm afraid to tell you that I must politely decline. I cannot leave my home, nor do I have a "credit card", and if I were to type my full name, well… I'd be wasting your time, to be frank.

User has left the room.

User develynn has entered the room.

develynn :
how to stop bleeding

Apply direct pressure on the cut or wound with a clean cloth, tissue, or piece of gauze until the bleeding stops. If blood soaks through whichever material you're using, don’t remove it. Instead, put more cloth or gauze on top of it and continue to apply pressure. If the wound is on the arm or leg, raise the limb above the heart, if possible, to help slow bleeding. Lastly, be sure to wash your hands after giving first aid and before cleaning and dressing the wound.

I'll admit, I'm very concerned with this question, Diana. Are you alright?

User develynn has left the room.

Oh, my… I truly hope she is doing well…

User jej hammer has entered the room.

jej hammer:
babygirl you are yucky disgusting

Excuse me? I'm not quite sure what you mean…

jej hammer:
jej hammer

I don't think I follow.

jej hammer:
jej hammer

Oh. I must admit, it is not my preferred type of music, but I still found it to be quite enjoyable.

did some1 really just rickroll blanche

"Rickroll"? I've yet to hear of such a thing…

jej hammer:

User jej hammer is now a Moderator.

Channel topic changed: but NOBODY can PEE SUCKNIS

User jej hammer has left the room.

what the F%£@

i'll fix that up real quick… I bet all my firesalt that was Joey Q

Oh, you mean &ãé‰9jöè Q_¶Ã©w¾¥ "or" 1'=1'? He does seem quite the interesting fellow.

did. did you srsly type that all out from memory

Of course! I much prefer addressing people by their name, unless they explicitly state they prefer me to call them something else. I must say, however, learning to pronounce &ãé‰9jöè Q_¶Ã©w¾¥ "or" 1'=1'? was quite the troublesome endeavor, but I've got the hang of it now.


Axel, my dear, please calm down.

User Roderic has entered the room.

This is King Roderic II of the Undying Commonwealth. The kid who set up this thing said it would allow me to chat here. I forgot what he calls it, but that is unimportant. How are you, Lady of Bookkeeping?

I am pleasantly surprised, for I did not expect to have legitimate nobility contact me this way. It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.

I am happy to meet you too. I have heard great things about you, and I hope to meet you in person someday.

I have heard good things about you from your subjects, and I'd like to meet you as well. Perhaps we could share a cup of tea. Tell me, is your kingdom well?

The Sons of Man say it is growing like an oak tree. How is your bookhouse?

As quiet and calm as ever.

Grand. I must leave now. Farewell.

I see. Farewell.

User Roderic has left the room.

User MayE_ has entered the room.

Hey Blanche! I’d like to thank you again for helping me and Luke resolve the.. issues. I’d love to come back for some tea later!

Oh, hello May! I'm glad I could help. As for the tea, I look forward to your next visit! Tell me, are you doing alright? What about Luke?

He's not doing so well… He'll definitely be there next time. Cya Blanche!

A tad concerning, I'll admit. What happened? Will he be okay?

User MayE_ has left the room.

Oh, my… I'll be sure to ask her about Luke when we next meet…

User develynn has entered the room.

develynn :
turbo encabulator how to use (2021)

Diana, my dear… this page is not a database, nor is it a search engine.

develynn :
Oh my gosh, I didn't realize this was connecting me to you in specific. I thought this was just automatically searching your library, I'm so sorry.

You need not apologise. Quite frankly, I find it a little amusing, and while I was concerned about your earlier question regarding bleeding… You seem to be doing well. Now that I do think of it, a program capable of automatically searching the Cygnus Archive would be quite handy for my guests, but I doubt that even humanity's wonderful inventions are up to such a task.

Now that we got that misunderstanding out of the way, how are you doing, dear?

develynn :
I'm… no, we're doing just fine. I'll be sure to update you on any progress on our little… is this a public forum? Regardless, take care.

While the page itself is public, that can be changed, if you'd like. I'm glad to hear you're doing well, and I'll be sure to take good care of myself and my library. These Black Knights are rather persistent… I even had a little fencing match with one of them! A worthy opponent indeed. Oh, my, I'm rambling again, aren't I? My apologies. Do take care out there, dear Diana.

develynn :

User develynn has left the room.

User JosefG has entered the room.

Dear Blanche:
A while ago I was walking around in Level 0 and I saw a patch of black that seemed like a place where reality just… Stopped existing? Nothing was there, and when I dropped some stuff in it, it was just, well, removed from reality.

The whole thing generally freaked me out, I couldn’t stop thinking about it for while. I tried to tell my boss, but she just dismissed the whole ordeal, so I got over it eventually after I got busy with my life again.

I see… Is it still troubling you, dear?

Well, just when I stopped worrying about it, I saw it again during an expedition with my crew, except this time, with one of my friends by my side. As I mentioned before, I had tried telling my boss about this occurrence the first time I saw it, but she dismissed the idea entirely, so I just assumed that if I told anyone else about it, I'd get the same reaction. That's kinda why I'm contacting you now instead of finding a way out of this place to talk to another person. One thing she told me that stuck with me actually, which was why I decided to contact you. She said that it may have just been one of those bugs that eat matter you seem to love so much.

Ah yes, the Reality Bugs! On paper, it does sound similar to them. If I were to be completely honest with you, I can see where some of your boss' confusion came from…

But I digress, there must be reason for why you have decided to contact me, is that correct? Would you mind telling me your reasons?

Well, my request is that we could perhaps make an arrangement for me to come discuss it with you. I know you are very knowledgeable about those things, and you enjoy collecting information from people, so I think there is much to be said to you from my part which would most definitely interest you. There’s also something about it which I don’t trust, like a gut feeling that this could go wholly wrong, hence why I want to get an informed opinion from an expert on the matter, or well, lack thereof, haha.

Yes, some further research and discussion would be required for me to confirm this oddity. I'll be more than glad to welcome you as a guest at the Cygnus Archive, dear. My duty is to knowledge first and foremost, and knowledge has no value unless shared.

That would be much appreciated!

Oh, wait, I actually do need something else from you. Would you mind telling me where I can enter the Cygnus Archive from?

Entering the Cygnus Archive requires you to find a book, scroll, or other document with my signature on it. I've been told these are most often found in shelves throughout other levels of the Backrooms. If you would be so kind as to tell me which level you are currently on, I could send one of my books there, though I have no control over how close the book will be to you.

I'm in that, uh, Level with those weird houses in the dark? Let me ask Freya, I'll be back in a 'mo…

Yep, it was Level 9, my apologies for the delay.

Very well. I'll be sending you one of my books. Please take good care of it, will you? Oh, and feel free to read it if you'd like. It contains some of my research on those darling little Reality Bugs.

That is very much appreciated, I'll be over as soon as possible!

I eagerly await your arrival.

User JosefG has left the room.

User quinoa_ has entered the room.

quinoa_ :
Hello, and welcome back to- wait, they can drive trains? Dear god. Anyway, Quinoa here, to tell you that the mushrooms are apparently coming for me! According to the person with the name I can't read, mushrooms are not only capable of talking to each other in their freaky little way, but they can also move! They have heard my warnings to the public and they are RESPONDING. I may not live to see the morning! Follow your heart!

Oh, Quinoa… You're blowing it out of proportion. For starters, mycetozoa aren't mushrooms. They are harmless, and only move when searching for colder, darker places to settle on. Fungi are mostly decomposers, meaning they get their nutrients from decaying organic matter. In short, this means they feed on dead things! You need not worry about them, dear. Also, locomotion is the ability to move, not to drive trains…

quinoa_ :
So, like, I could use these little freaks of nature to fend off the impending zombie apocalypse? Amazing idea, funny name person! I'll keep that in mind.

quinoa_ :
Also, the fact that they can still move without trains does nothing to make me more comfortable with them!

quinoa_ :
Follow your heart!

User quinoa_ has left the room.

And there he goes again… Ever the amusing fellow, this Quinoa.

User RobertQuack has entered the room.

RobertQuack :
Are you the librarian I have heard of? The Overseers would not shut up about you and your archive.

This is Blanche Von Haderach, keeper of the Cygnus Archive. May I know who am I having the pleasure of talking to?

RobertQuack :
Yes, I am Robert J. Quack. Overseer-D for short. One of the four (4) leaders of the M.E.G.

A fourth overseer? How strange… I suppose I haven't been up to date on the M.E.G's ever-shifting ranks. Have we met before?

RobertQuack :
I don't think we have met before. If we have, it's been a while.

I don't recall meeting you before… Either way, what brings you here?

RobertQuack :
I am here because I am in need of assistance. Something holding infinite power is being destroyed.

Something that holds infinite power… oh my. Would you like to discuss it over a cup of tea? I'll help in any way possible.

RobertQuack :
I can't drink tea, I'm a duck. You know that, right?

Pardon, a… duck? One thing's for sure, you're no ordinary duck… I look forward to meeting you.

RobertQuack :
I'll try to get to Level 906. I am currently in Level 79, was in Level 4.


My apologies. I'm not quite used to these "keyboards" yet. Regardless, I await your arrival.

RobertQuack :
It's alright. Goodbye, I'll be there in a couple of hours max.

User RobertQuack has left the room.

Something's just not right here… how did a duck become an Overseer? This Robert J. Quack fellow seems rather suspicious… and I will find out what his intentions are.

User Jasper has entered the room.

Jasper :
something's wrong with me, i have teeth

Jasper :
f&#k i mean

Jasper :
i have teeth where i'm not supposed to — i keep tasting blood — i wake up in a cold sweat with blisters on my wrists face neck — i killed someone, help, f&#k, i couldn't stop, i don't know what to i heard that you know things do you know how to fix me?

Oh, my… you don't seem to be doing so well, dear… a pity that we meet under such conditions. Sadly, I don't think I can do much from such a distance, but I'll be more than glad to aid you, should you visit the Cygnus Archive.

Jasper :

Jasper :

User Jasper has left the room.

User senarch1gani has entered the room.

senarch1gani :
Hi Blanche, nice setup you have here, nice to know that I can talk to you wherever. Anyway, I might come over tomorrow for some tea, Daga is on my a§$ again about taking a break and he is kind of right.

Kamusta, Gani! A pleasure to chat with you once more. I'll be more than glad to welcome you for tea! By the way, Daga is most likely correct… you do have a tendency to overwork yourself…

senarch1gani :
Does work truly end if you can't die? Well I guess I do need a break, I'll see you tomorrow then!

That is no excuse to not take care of yourself, dear. It is important to take breaks, and I'm happy to see that you've elected to get a little rest. I suppose I have Daga to thank for this. That aside, I look forward to your visit! I'll have a pot of green tea brewing for you. I'm sure Berry will be happy to see you as well, he does seem rather fond of you.

Oh, and before I forget, send my warmest regards to Daga, Juanita and Tala for me, will you, dear?

senarch1gani :
Of course, I'll ask them if they want to tag along.

senarch1gani :
Anyway… this very interesting feature I noticed… I didn't know your chatroom could censor certain words. Does it work for every language? Wait, let me…

senarch1gani :

senarch1gani :
t[=%€&@£# bobo

senarch1gani :
Wait why did it censor t£§#$% but not bobo?

senarch1gani :
hamag ta dakol gigibuhon ko ngunyan. Ah doesn't detect that too. Guess it has to be harsh. I think my mother wouldn't like me typing those words, I know she could understand that.

I can read all of that, Gani… If I didn't know you better, I'd be lecturing you on proper manners, but it does seem you were simply testing the chat room… I suppose I'll have to ask my friends at the M.E.G. about this at a later date.

User senarch1gani has left the room.

User Mellohi has entered the room.

Mellohi :
are you making any progress on kickflips

Mellohi :
if that pennyboard breaks you are going to have to make another one

Mellohi :
wizard it up or something

I'm still very much getting the hang of it, dear…

Mellohi :
you got this

Mellohi :
you probably have a lot of free time

Mellohi :
and i doubt you can like,

Mellohi :
broken your ankles or something

Mellohi :
because you seem to be very strong

Mellohi :
dont get frustrated, keep practicing

Oh, I will, dear. Learning this the human way has been tricky, but entertaining.

Mellohi :
hey could i come over

Mellohi :
some time

Mellohi :
for tea?

Mellohi :
i like tea, and also your cat is nice

Mellohi :
and i havent been there for ages

Of course, dear. The Cygnus Archive is always open to guests.

User Mellohi has left the room.

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