Aster Argyle

Trustworthy love

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ok! so… there is an enigmatic author who is being called Aster!
Before describe about this entity, let's appreciate a photo!



Hello everyone!
I'm Aster Argyle! And this is my author page! lol! omg! woah!
Before introduce my articles, let's start to document Aster.

Hope this class system will work well (I failed about five time -_-)


Class Aster

  • I
  • love
  • you

Yeah, failed again -_-

Anyway! it does not matter!
As I said above, here is my introduce!



Name: Aster Argyle!

Age: I'm 18 years old! (19 in Korea, but in term of world, yeah)

Live: I live in South Korea!!!

Gender: He/Him!

Hobby: Reading, writing, gaming, fall a sleeping, and Boxing!

Do you have discord?: Sure! You can freely ping me! (discord name is also Aster Argyle)

Favorite food: Ramen, bread, fried food! Coffee and Soda!

What I say the most: nah, lol, omg, woah, yay! you can witness this when you are in discord!

What game you are playing?: Roblox!

Anything: I feel sleepy when I drink banana flavor milk.

Oh my gah.
There are still some more about me, but! I think I did enough.
And this means it's time to introduce my articles…


Level 890

Level 890 + 31 (+34, -3)

greenlighted by Kai4CKai4C
Abandoned amusement park with an unique entity!
I came up this idea when I was shopping on weekend.
There are some miss points, and I'm planning to describe this later.
Sub-layer of level 890: Endless is being created!

Level 925
Cloud's Heaven

Level 925 + 19 (+24, -5)

greenlighted by BlueSignetBlueSignet
Sky, where can foot on cloud and make something with clouds.
I wanted to make a storytelling level, and it succeed!
It's a bit of a regretful tbh, but I think it's enough.
I'm planning to develop the Cloud Eye section.

Level 470
Memory with you

Level 470 + 16 (+22, -6)

My first contest entry.
House and field of memory of lost friend.
Originally, this level was longer than now.
I made it shorter since I decided to make this as contest entry.

Level 705
A Tale Of Two Islands

Level 705 + 15 (+26, -11)

My second contest entry!
I was given many many helps from ReyDayReyDay, LiminalDoctorLiminalDoctor, LiurniaLiurnia!
Two islands sharing completely diverse environment.
This is…not good enough, so I may rewrite this someday.


Being the only korean in our wiki was quite lonely and featureless, but one day I figured out that I can freely translate any article thanks to the fact that I'm the only korean! So I had started to have much interest and passion on translating than plain writing. Here is my translation. All articles is translated  as Korean. enjoy

레벨 619 "달에서 만나요 내 사랑"
- original was written by PandaShark71004PandaShark71004
레벨 249 "당신의 장례식"
- original was written by LiminalDoctorLiminalDoctor
레벨 422 "바다로"
- original was written by IamalemonIamalemon
레벨 37 "숭고함"
- original was written by egglordegglord
레벨 303 "꿈결의 파도"
- original was written by DaZigZagDaZigZag
레벨 369 "아름다움"
- original was written by Greggita MahayfaioGreggita Mahayfaio
레벨 470 "너와의 추억
- original was written by me.
레벨 657 " 작은 섬에는 외로운 쇼핑카드만이 살지"
- original was written by TrailmixNCocoaTrailmixNCocoa
레벨 994 "여기에 존재하다" and 레벨 395 "아직도 기억하니?"
- original was written (exactly, translated as English) by iccaarusiccaarus

Translations that were listed above are linked to ko-wiki, and  from now on, the translations below are linked to uil translation wiki (c'ause I didn't know the ko-wiki's existence at then)

레벨 137 "나방의 새의 벌
- original was written by unknown author who had deleted account.
레벨 237 "컴퍼니 타운"
- original was written by FeyBoyFeyBoy
레벨 250 "두별의 들판"
- original was written by Aether48Aether48
레벨 587 "우리가 즐거웠던 곳
- original was written by Greggita MahayfaioGreggita Mahayfaio
"월드 펙토리(The World Factory)"
- original was written by Kitty RikaKitty Rika
호텔 버지니아(The Hotel Virginia)"
- original was witten by Dr BierreDr Bierre
잃어버린 사랑(Lost  Love)"
- original was written by YourWeirdPlantYourWeirdPlant

Thanks to your, original authors' works deserving of respect, I could able to find my new interest and do some productive things. Today, get drunk on the hard work you've been making.

And my korean level.
Ko Level 82 - I shall go back to heaven
- inspired by my favorite poem "Go back to heaven(귀천)" by Cheon  Sang-byeong(천상병) and "To that person(그 사람에게)" by Shin Dong-yup(신동엽).

While I highly suspect no one could have ever had question about this, the way I choose an article for translating is arranging my fav levels and spin a roulette.

Now! You can guess what section will appear.
Next section is about my… thanks!

Special thanks/Friends!

Don't you wonder how I could post some levels even though I have bad english ability?
There are my loves who helped me!
(Warning! this section can be long)

wait a sec…what


A sudden thought, I think it'd be cool if I put here some my sandbox links!
Level 415 - Rot In Hell, Jane.
Level 997 - Over the horizen.
Level 873 - Mind is blowing.
Blue Ocean's Dream
I shall go back to heaven.
Yeah, literally six.


This is all!
I should finish this work.
But, I think you may know how I finish my article; photo with a sentence.
If this were a regular level posting, I would bring a photo from pexels or pixabey.
But this is my real page.
So… this is a photo of my town!


It was a cold day… (acctually, I can't remember lol)

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