Arthur's Archives
The following documents are retrieved logs from Arthur C. William's personal computer. See attached files below.
Entities mentioned here are only by description with no link due to the author's ignorance. Reading the rest of the database may help you understand where the author is and what he encounters.
Entry I
Log 1
Hey, uh, this is Arthur. I'm using a busted old laptop to write this down. I've been here for a few days now, and I just found this laptop so I decided to write down what's happening because it might be important. Here's what happened to me so far:
One minute I'm sitting down at my desk to work, and the next minute, I'm here. I don't know what is going on, or where I am. This place is just a bunch of interconnecting, never-ending rooms. The carpet in here is moist and it stinks. The walls are painted this horrible yellow color. The lights are making me nauseous and I hate that horrible sound they're making. I'm not sure if I'm on a reality show or if this is a prank, but whoever's running this operation, it's not funny anymore.
Crap, I forgot to introduce myself!
I'm Arthur Williams. I'm 21 years old, currently working at an office building for some money. I just broke up with my girlfriend, and I'm struggling to pay the rent. Actually, that's not important. What IS important is that I've been stuck here for a few days, missing out on checking my Discord and YouTube. I don't know if I can last much longer.
After looking around for a while, I started walking. This place is like a maze. I began to panic after 15 minutes, running faster and faster until I tired myself out. I calmed down, and then I decided to walk in one direction. After a while, I ended up in this room. I found a bottle of water, which is almond flavored. It tastes like chalk. Like one of those weird bottles of water you'd get where it was obvious that they squeezed in the smallest amount of fruit before leaving it be. You know, the ones your friends' parents would buy. Yeah, exactly like that. Also, I found this old laptop too, and it took me a while to figure out how to turn it on. There seems to be a charger of some sorts as well, but nowhere to plug it in.
I haven't seen any people yet, but I hope someone shows up sooner or later. This place is kind of creepy. Not that I'm scared, of course. Anyways, I think I'm gonna get out of here for now. There isn't much point in me staying, so I'll just keep walking and hope this "prank" is over soon.
Log 2
Alright, it's been a few days since I last wrote here. I'm not exactly sure how much time has passed, but I'm sure that this isn't a joke at this point. I haven't seen anyone since I arrived. I'm getting desperate. I still have some water, but I am slowly running out.
I keep hearing things move around, but I haven't seen anything. These lights are really getting on my nerves. At least they haven't gone out.
I hope I come across food soon, but things are looking bleak, and I'm starting to get hungry. I haven't found anything since I first found the laptop.
It may be a while before I type again because I am trying to conserve this laptop's battery. I hope I can get it charged soon. The lights are on, so there must be electricity.
I'm logging off now. I'll be back soon.
Log 3
Alright, something weird just happened a few minutes ago. I tried to lean against the wall to take a break, as I normally do, and then I kind of just fell through it. I'm in a new place. The walls and floor are made of concrete, kind of like a parking garage. The floor is wet with puddles. I can't see shit because of this low-hanging fog, but it's much better than where I was before. After walking for a little bit, I came across a box. I opened it up, and hallelujah, some food! I found a bag of chips and a granola bar! The chips weren't flavored, but they were so delicious! So amazing! What I would do to have a second bag. And that granola bar; best thing I've ever tasted in my entire life. That might just be the hunger talking, but I don't care! I found more of the almond water too. Even though I don't like it much, I'm just happy I can drink again! I also found a shoelace. Kind of weird, but I'll take it!
This one seems to have more variation, with doors on the side of walls leading to hallways, too. I still haven't seen anyone else, but this is a welcome break from wherever I was earlier.
The laptop battery is about to die right now, so I'll write again once I find a reliable power source.
Log 4
I found a power outlet after searching for a few days. After waiting a few hours, the laptop charged up to full capacity. The walk was pretty boring. My shoes are wet and smelly from those puddles, but I couldn't care less at this point. I found some more food and water from those crates. I also found a steering wheel and a partially burnt piece of paper. I can't think of a use for any of those, so I left them behind.
I've been in this place for at least a week now. I'm starting to get used to how things work around here.
I did some digging into the files of this old laptop and there are a few files on it. There are some games on it, too, but I'm not gonna bother with those. None of the documents would open, but I'll keep trying. It might help me.
Logging off now, I'll be back soon.
Log 5
Alright, it's been about a day since my last entry. I was walking down a hallway for about a half-hour, and then it kind of just ended. I walked through a door into into this new place. It's full of extremely long hallways with pipes and machinery running along the walls. It's hotter in here than that parking garage I was in before. A lot hotter. I can't carry much food and water on me, but I have enough to last me a little while.
I've come across a few doors and most of them were locked. One of them was unlocked, but it was just an empty room.
I saw a shadowy figure moving in the distance a few minutes ago. Hopefully, it didn't spot me, because I don't think shadowy figures are a good sign.
I'm gonna be honest; this place is freaking me out. It's all so confusing. Why am I even here? What did I do? At least I'm alive. I just gotta keep telling myself that.
I am also taking an oath to never edit this document to preserve it as a firsthand account if anyone ever comes across it. If someone edits this, it is not me.
Even if I never escape this place, I hope I at least come across somebody else soon.
It's very lonely in here.
Logging off.
Log 6
After walking for a few hours, I got to the end of a very long hallway. It got extremely hot very fast. First it felt like a super hot summer day, like the one you would spend in the pool with your friends… and family… anyways. Then it felt like I was standing inside an oven, and then I felt like I was on fire. I heard the clanking of machinery and it was so loud that it was like it was banging down on my skull. I ran the other way and I ran and I just ran until I was exhausted. Don't go to the end of these hallways. I don't know if the heat can kill you, but it gets very, VERY hot.
Nothing else has happened. This place is still getting creepier by the minute, though. I'm surprised that I'm still holding it together.
Going offline now. I'll be back with more info.
Log 7
I just had my first encounter with another living being.
It was this strange creature that looked like a human but acted like a dog. As soon as I saw it, I froze in place. It stared at me for a few seconds, then charged with its teeth bared. I ran like the wind, and I nearly tripped and fell at the sound of its footfalls getting closer and closer. After running for what felt like hours, it lost interest and scampered away. I think it would have killed me if it caught up.
Whatever the hell that was, I don't want to see it again.
I think I heard some clanking. I'll be right back.
Log 8
Time passes. It's been about a week since I last wrote in this document.
I encountered another entity yesterday.
It was a strange mass of limbs. It was gross but seemed harmless. I approached it, curious. Big mistake. A long-ass arm reached out of the center of it and tried to grab me. I narrowly dodged before running like the wind (notice a pattern?) while it was galloping after me. Now, this thing was fast. I only narrowly escaped it by running into a door that was unlocked and slamming it behind me. I pushed against the door while it scraped at it. It was there for a few hours before eventually retreating. I'm still exhausted from this encounter.
My food supply is running low, but I still have enough to last me a little longer if I ration properly.
I hope it'll last.
Well, I need to keep looking for more. I'll be back.
Log 9
It's been about two days since my last entry, and I have some exciting news! I met another person! While they seem very confused, they had some food on them! Although they aren't talking, I am just glad to see someone else in this hellhole.
I asked for their name and some personal details, but they seemed unwilling to say anything. A bit strange, but this whole place is weird, so I think I can handle this.
Logging off now, we need to keep moving.
Log 10
Alright, something's up. I finally got them to talk to me, but they just said "Run! Leave her behind. Help me."
Very strange… although maybe they have been in here for too long and just lost it. They seem normal enough when they aren't talking, though.
I'm just desperate.
Going offline to sort out this mess.
Log 11
Bad news.
While traveling, my "friend" slipped and fell. A pipe fell off of the ceiling and hit them in the cranium. Once I examined them closer, I realized they were bleeding. Their blood wasn't red, though.
It was clear.
I immediately realized this thing wasn't human. That explains the strange speech patterns. Although it hadn't tried to harm me yet, I decided that I should try to kill it. I started hitting it over and over with the pipe that fell.
Big mistake.
As soon as it regained consciousness, it realized I found out it wasn't human. It got up and screeched at me, and I immediately ran full speed away. It began running towards me, eyes bulging, mouth open. I screamed like a little girl and picked up speed. Similar to the encounter with the strange mass of limbs, I ran into a door and closed it firmly. This time, it nearly broke down the door. The door buckled, but it managed to stay put. Luckily, that thing wasn't too strong. After an hour or so, it gave up and ran off.
I hear footsteps. I'll be back.
Log 12
I finally escaped that horrid pipe area a few hours ago after opening yet another door. I wasn't expecting anything. I was surprised. It was a particularly long hallway, but I could see the end of it. It looked… different. I kind of felt a bit nervous walking down it because of my past experiences, but I made it. After walking towards the end, it led into an office space.
After walking for a while, I came across a vending machine full of snacks and water. A blessing! I was running very low on food and water.
I saw something in the distance, and it seemed human, but I didn't approach it due to, err, past experiences.
I haven't encountered any more creatures so far, so that's a plus, I guess. But, knowing this place, something's bound to come up sooner or later.
The laptop battery's getting low again. I'll write again soon.
Log 13
It's been about 3 days since my last log. After getting more food and water, I plugged the laptop into a wall outlet.
Things are going well. I have enough supplies to last me about a month, and I found a backpack lying around. All I found in it was an empty water bottle and a crumpled-up note. The note reads:
Jerry is life. Jerry is love. Jerry is everything you'll ever need. Come, join us.
Now, I don't know who this "Jerry" is, but it sounds like a cult. I don't even know if this was even written by another person. As far as I know, I'm alone.
All by myself.
No one to talk to.
Log 14
I saw another being today. It looked humanoid but definitely wasn't human. It looked very thin, and it was grey. I couldn't make out any facial features because it wasn't that close. Thankfully, it didn't attack me. It just kind of ran off after I noticed it.
After that happened a thought struck me. How long have I been here? The laptop says November 30th, 2004, which I know is wrong because it was a Tuesday when I entered… wait, was it Wednesday? Augh, doesn't matter. I know I entered here in May of 2014. It was that day when Jerry spilled coffee on Mark's computer… was it Jerry? Anyways.
This place is hell, and I'm going to admit it, I'm scared. But, at least I know the ropes. I have food and water. All I need to do is find someone else.
Logging off now.
Log 15
It's been at least a day since my last log. I just left the office area I was in earlier. I found an elevator and entered it, and it opened up into what seemed to be a tunnel deep underground. Electricity is present in this area, as I was able to plug my laptop in and the lights are all on. There seem to be numerous small cramped tunnels, similar to where I was a while back, but more uncomfortable. Sometimes a random gate divides two hallways. It's pretty weird down here.
I've been here for about an hour. No sign of anything, at least for the time being.
I need to keep exploring. Logging off now.
Log 16
It's been a few hours since my last entry. I've decided to name all the "areas" I have explored so far, just to keep track of where I am.
- Area 1: Mono-Yellow
- Area 2: Foggy Garage
- Area 3: Machinery Hallways
- Area 4: Office Space
- Area 5: Claustrophobia
I know, I know, not the most creative names. It's just to help me remember and classify the areas I've been through so far.
I noticed a Wi-Fi connection showed up on the laptop, but I couldn't access it. It had a password which I tried to guess for about an hour. No luck.
I'll keep walking. Maybe something will happen.
Log 17
I was right. Something did happen.
I encountered a creature that looked exactly like a human but with no face. Scared the shit out of me! It was a bit shorter than I am, and it didn't try to attack. It just walked right past me and continued moving. Freaked me out. I fought the urge to scream. It was fucking scary.
This place is horrible. It's been, what, 4 weeks of torture?
I don't know where I am, I don't know why I am here, and this place is just beyond me. Am I damned? I'm not a Christian, but I've noticed I've been praying the last few nights and I don't know why. I'm scared and I just want to go back to something normal, anything normal. It's like my dreams and reality have merged and I hate it. I do. I really do.
I miss my family. My girlfriend. Oh, right. She's… ugh, anyways.
Right, I forgot to tell you. If the log suddenly ends or cuts off, either I am dead or I just dropped the computer like an idiot and it smashed into a million pieces. Nearly happened once, and I can never be safe. That backpack is really coming in handy.
Logging off now. I have to keep moving.
Log 18
Inches from death.
Another one of those tangled mass of limbs saw me. As soon as I saw it, I ran, and it gave chase. Panic took over my body. My palms were sweaty, my knees, weak. My arms were heavy. As I ran for what felt like eternity, a strange dog-like creature, similar to the one I encountered a few weeks ago, jumped out of a hallway next to me and its back fucking exploded. Some green acid-like substance sprayed everywhere and narrowly missed me. The thing screamed in pain and fell over after that. I screamed and pissed my pants as I continued running down the hall.
I ran as hard as I could, my feet thumping on the cold concrete floor, my blood feeling as if it was boiling. By the time I had stopped running, my legs were screaming in agony, and I slumped down, crying.
Shoot, I just realized I included the pissing of my pants part in the log. Well, can't edit it now. Moving on.
I still have yet to see another person. My food supply is dwindling slowly, but I still have enough food and water for about two weeks.
Logging off now. See you soon.
Log 19
Great news! I found a lighter laying around. Bad news! I have nothing to light on fire. I found it just now. Wait a second, I can light that note on fire! Better save it for later.
It's been about a day since my last log. Nothing much has happened.
Alright, it's been like 2 minutes, and it appears that the lighter does have fluid and I can to use it as a small functioning light source. Finally, something good happened to me in this godforsaken hellhole.
Going offline now. I'll be back.
Log 20
I'm walking around with no end in sight… I keep trying to lean on a wall in the hopes that it will transport me somewhere else similar to last time, but nothing is happening. I am slowly running out of food, but I still have enough to last if I ration properly.
I'm actually happy that it's been boring so far. I haven't had to deal with any monsters for the past few, so it's a welcome break from that hectic day I talked about in Log 18.
I think that this place isn't really the reality I know. Obviously, there are beings and creatures that only exist in movies in my world, but things here seem to be a little… off. For example, I would walk in a direction and turn a corner, and when I turn back it isn't the same hallway where I came from.
Maybe I'm losing it. I'm growing desperate to leave this place.
Just heard a large bang, I'll be right back.
Log 21
I found a crumpled-up piece of paper. It had a short little poem written on it.
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me
Thought it was nice. Seems familiar, though. I wonder who wrote it. I mean, was it even a human?
Reminds me of life back in the real world…
The real world was home. Familiarity. I had a routine. A ROUTINE. I would get up, brush my teeth, comb my hair, eat breakfast, and off to work I went. This place, seems familiar, like I've seen it before in a forgotten childhood memory. This place isn't the place I want to be.
It's been about 4 weeks since I was transported here. Still trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.
Is this some kind of sick, cruel joke?
I'm waiting for the punchline.
Log 22
It's starting to get colder. I have no idea why. It's been about 3 days since my last entry.
I've been wearing the same shirt for the past 4 weeks because I wasn't planning on coming here and I didn't pack.
I'm wearing pants, so I'm not too affected by the cold yet, but all my clothes are smelly. No laundromat or deodorant down here.
I wonder if anyone even noticed I'm gone in the real world.
Log 23
A few hours ago, I had an encounter with a strange smiling creature.
I was walking past a particularly dark area when I noticed a glowing smile coming from the darkness. I walked slowly past it, not knowing what to do. I don't think it saw me, which I'm thankful for because it freaked the shit out of me.
The temperature is still dropping, and I have no idea why. It's not too bad as of right now. A bit chilly, but not bad.
Logging off now, I'll write again soon.
Log 24
It's been about 2 days since I last wrote here. It's kind of cold now. Also, I found a bottle of glue. Not very useful for my present situation, but it's something! I'm trying to stay optimistic, but my food is running low. I have a good stock of water, though.
Haven't bumped into anything so far. I'm trying not to tire myself out too much, so I'm walking slower.
These tunnels are getting smaller and smaller by the hour.
That's it for today; see you soon.
Log 25
It's been about a day since my last log.
It's really cold now. I'm starting to ration my food to only one meal a day. My water supply is still good, though.
I'm starting to get sick of chips. Well, there isn't much I can do about it. At least they come in different flavors.
Logging off now. I'm getting chip flavoring all over the keyboard.
Log 26
Days and days of walking are really starting to wear me down. Although I feel like I have a bit more stamina, I have to take frequent breaks now. At least I'm "working out" and keeping myself healthy, although that's probably the least of my worries.
Nothing much has happened since I last wrote in here about 3 days ago. I've stopped to charge my computer a few times. It always seems like whenever something actually interesting happens, it's usually not good. This entire place wants to kill me. At least that's what it seems like.
Huh? What was that noise? I'll be right back.
Log 27
I think it's been about 5 weeks since I came here. The only reason I can somewhat keep track of time is because of this computer. There aren't any windows here so I can't tell whether it's daytime or nighttime.
It's been a wild ride so far, and I don't think I'm leaving anytime soon. Documenting this is making me stay focused. It's keeping me concentrated and grounded. I'm trying not to lose it.
I'm going to keep moving. Maybe I'll find a new area.
Log 28
One thing that I found odd about this place is that I haven't needed much sleep. The most I sleep is for about 3-4 hours, but I limit myself in case another creature shows up. I don't get super tired, though. Guess I should thank my lucky stars for that.
I'm getting lonely.
The only person I've talked to was just a monster in disguise. I'm worried. What if I see someone else and they try to kill me because they think I'm a monster, or what if I see someone and I kill them? Oh, what the fuck do I do? How do I know I can trust anyone anyone? Anyone I see could be a fucking deadly shapeshifter. Am I even real? What if I'm a monster? Or what if I died? Is this hell?
I'm logging off. I'll be back. I think.
Log 29
I had another near-death experience today.
First, a big moth-looking creature came flapping at me while I was walking down a hallway. I screamed, but it just flew past me. Right after that is when the trouble began. An even bigger one of those came zooming in after it. The bastard turned and looked at me and then shot acid right at me. It sailed through the air and nailed me in the chest.
I screamed in agony as a hole in my t-shirt formed and my skin burned. It continued shooting.
I screamed once more and began running as fast as I could. It was really fast, and I was only barely outrunning it, my feet slapping the ground as I picked up speed. A little acid actually hit me in the back of the head and burnt off of some of my hair. Now I have a fucking bald spot and it still hurts like hell. Thanks a lot.
Then, something quite bad happened. One of those weird human-dog hybrids that I encountered a few weeks ago came bursting out of nowhere! I produced a sound that shouldn't be possible to make using human vocal cords and continued running. This was a familiar situation.
The following has happened before:
1. A creature attacks me
2. I scream and run as fast as I can
3. Another creature comes bursting out of nowhere
4. Urination followed by near-death experience.
Just guess what happens next.
Anyways, I managed to lock a gate behind me while I had a bit of a head start and they couldn't get through. Thank god.
I gotta keep moving. I hope they aren't following me.
Log 30
It's been about four days since my last log.
I'm starting to exhaust my food and water supply. Things are looking kind of grim right now. I hope the "grim" reaper doesn't take me to my grave!
God, that was an awful joke. I think I'm just trying to distract myself.
Anyways, my future isn't looking too good right now. I'm kind of hoping some entity will just swoop down and kill me. It's a better way to go than starvation.
I'm going to continue searching for food. I'll be back soon.
Log 31
Great news! Today, I found another elevator, and it worked. Bad news! It led me somewhere else. Not back home.
This place looks kind of like a hotel. The furniture looks like it's from the early 1900s, and it actually doesn't look too bad. I'm sitting down in a chair right now. Finally, some actual rest. I'm making sure not to fall asleep, though.
I'm thankful that I found this place when I did because if I had stayed any longer in those dingy tunnels, I don't want to think what could have happened.
I would say that coming here is a welcome break, but I'm sure there are more monsters around the corner.
I'm going to go exploring after this, just to get a scope of the area.
Log 32
It's been about a day, and I found bottled water and a bag of chips inside a room that was left open! There was a note attached to it as well.
Welcome, dear guest!
Here, in your new room, you'll find some complimentary food and drink to accompany your new room for the duration of your stay.
Please make yourself at home!
— The Terror Hotel Staff
I wonder why this place is called the Terror Hotel…
Probably not a good sign.
Sometimes, while walking, I can hear the muffled sounds of people talking. When I try to follow the sound, it only gets quieter until I can't hear it anymore. Seems to be another weird quirk of this place, because I still haven't seen any real people at all.
Logging off now. I'll be back soon.
Log 33
Alright, it's been about a day, and I attempted to build a crude weapon to protect myself. I was gonna just rip the leg off of a table, but it wouldn't come off. Not that I'm weak or anything, these tables are indestructible! I'm not weak at all.
Anyways, this place seems much more cheerful and bright than the place I was in previously.
I haven't encountered any of those creatures or beings. I still have lots of food and water, and I'm exploring my surroundings without too many problems.
Going offline. I'll be back soon.
Log 34
It's been about 6 hours since my last log, and music has started playing. There are gramophones kind of placed sporadically here. They all seem to be hooked up to one system, but I can't find what they all connect to. Man, this place is so wacky. No, that's not a good word. Weird? Ugh, I don't know. I just want to leave.
The music has been jazz for the past hour. I'm fine right now, but it probably will get on my nerves later on.
Still haven't found anyone or anything yet. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
I'm going to keep searching. I'll be back soon.
Log 35
Wow, it's been 2 days and the music is still playing. It's really starting to get on my nerves. Hopefully, I can find some earplugs because this shit's annoying. The atmosphere is starting to feel less cozy and more creepy. Water keeps dripping from the ceiling. Still all clear in terms of beings. Creatures? I don't know what to call them.
I'm just sitting here.
No one's gonna find me, are they? No one's even here.
Log 36
It's been 2 days since my last log.
Since I realized that no one is going to find me in this hellhole, I've been doing a lot better. Coming to terms with that fact is really helping me focus.
Wait, I think I just heard something. It's might be another person!
Never mind. It was just more water dripping.
My food supply is relatively stable as of right now. I keep finding food, and I keep eating food, and the cycle continues. Water isn't much of an issue right now.
I'm going to keep moving. I'll write again if anything happens.
Log 37
Here we go again.
It's been about three days since my last log, and I think I'm finally capable enough of writing some more. I encountered another creature.
It was a massive fucking spider. Like the one from that block game, but bigger.
First, it was on the roof and I was underneath it. I felt some weird goo drip on me from above and I looked up. It hissed at me and crawled down onto the floor rapidly before staring at me right in the eye. I began to feel pretty dizzy. I couldn't think straight. It crawled right on the floor in front of me, waiting for me to collapse. I felt sluggish. I had enough common sense to start stomping. It took all of my strength, but I beat the shit out of that spider. Like I went ham, fucking knocked that spider out. I fucking gave it a 1-2 fuck yo- okay I think I'm just a little dizzy, like, I fucking damaged that thing too much. It doesn't feel right. It twitched for a bit, then stopped moving. Seeing the consequences of my actions unfold in front of me, I fainted, falling onto the armchair next to me as my head hit the back of the leather cushions. Then everything just… slowly faded to black.
I awoke, my eyes less heavy, and the time at least a few hours ahead. I could move, but it took a huge amount of effort to just lift a finger. I just sat there for about two days. The weird paralyzing juice thing started wearing off a few hours ago. I'm still very tired, but I can get up and walk around with normal effort. I think I'll sit here for a few more hours after eating. Thank goodness nothing else saw me, because I would have not been able to defend myself.
Close call. Again.
At least I didn't piss my pants this time.
Log 38
It's been about 12 hours, and I just discovered a new area! Maybe I should start calling them zones. I guess it doesn't matter. Anyways, it seems to be a place full of pipes, similar to the area I was in a few weeks back. What was it called? The "Wet Garage?" Anyways, it's kind of like that, but bigger. It's like being in a boiler room, but it's very large. I can't see the end. It's pretty dark down here. There are lights, but they're sporadically placed and dim. Water is dripping everywhere, and steam is coming out of different parts of machinery. Lots of pipes and boilers down here. I don't think the water is safe to drink. It's creepy as fuck down here.
It's pretty hot, and there's lots of clanging and banging coming from the pipes and machines. It's super loud, and it's making me on edge.
I think I heard something. I'll be back soon.
Log 39
Wow, it's been about a month- a month and a half now, yeah, since I first ended up in this place. Spoiler alert: I still hate it. One star, would not stay again.
Still no sign of anybody. I've been in this boiler section for about three days now.
The loneliness is getting to me.
It's so empty.
Log 40
I was walking a few hours ago, and I saw something in the distance. I braced myself for another attack, but as it got closer, I realized it looked like a human. Now, I wasn't taking any chances, so I got closer. It approached me. I said "Hello!" And it said "Hi" back. It looked like an older man, thin, and about 5 foot 7. I was only slightly taller than it. Then, all of a sudden, I dug my nails as hard as I could into its arms. Red blood started trickling out. It yelped and moved away.
"Sorry, I had to make sure you weren't one of those shapeshifters," I said.
"Those are called Skin-Stealers."
"A skin what now?"
"Fuck it, never mind. You seem new here. Are you lost?"
"Yes, I am. Let me introduce myself. My name's Arthur."
"The name's Dominic."
"Yeah, that's cool and all, but if you're here, are other people here too?"
"Yes, lots. I can take you back to the M.E.G. base if you'd like."
"Yes! Please! Anything to get away from this horrid place!"
"You can't really escape, but you can travel to different Levels. Currently, we are on Level five."
"Oh, okay. Do you guys have any food other than chips? And do you have any other water besides this weird almond water?"
"Nope. Sorry. But Level 6.1 has a bunch of good food. As good as it gets here."
"Wait. Where am I, exactly?"
"You're in the Backrooms."
"No one knows what it is exactly. We can only speculate as to why it exists."
"How did I even get here!?"
"You no-clipped. You came into contact with a corrupted object and ended up here."
"Oh. That explains me falling through the chair and into the floor."
"Hey, quick question. What year was it when you no-clipped here?"
"It was May of 2014 when I 'no-clipped' into this mess."
"It was July of 2012 when I no-clipped into Level 0. I've been here for a few years. What about you?
"I think I've only been here for about a month and a half. Anyways, enough talk. Can we go to your home base, please? I'm getting sick of this place. "
"Alright, alright."
We stopped to take a break, which is when I'm writing this. He said we should be there within an hour.
Log 41
I've arrived at their base!
We returned to the normal hotel section after about half an hour. Their base seems to be a collection of interconnected hotel rooms which all serve a purpose. There's a sleeping section where they moved all the beds, a cafeteria, and a planning room with a few tables in it. They plan out where they are going to go, and it's kind of the hub of the base.
It's pretty cool to see what they do with the resources they have.
Oh, right! I forgot to introduce everyone. So first of all, there's Dominic, who you already know. There's also Juno and Kira. They both live here as well.
Dominic told me 7 other people live at this base, but they are currently in Level 11 for work purposes.
One second, Kira's coming over to say hi.
Log 42
It's been about a week since my last log. Not much has happened. I've just been existing.
The party of 7 came back a few hours ago. Their names are:
- Rachel
- Ray
- Noah
- Florence
- Theodore
- Vincent
- Lee
They all seem nice enough. I like talking to Theodore.
Log 43
It's been about a month since I last wrote here, and I finally started going on expeditions with the others to find food and water. Dominic, Theodore, Vincent, and I usually go out for about 3-4 hours at a time.
The others usually go out for more scientific missions, albeit, not as often.
I'm actually kind of happy here. I have a routine! A routine! In here, of all places!
I've made friends with Dominic and Theodore. Theodore is actually from Spain! Dominic is American. I was originally born in Toronto but I moved to Davenport, Iowa when I was 5.
Anyways, I gotta go. I'm going out on another supply mission.
Log 44
It's been about 4 days since my last log, and I have some bad news.
Vincent has gone missing.
On our supply trip, he was right behind us, and then he wasn't. I could have sworn I heard a faint scream, which is why I turned around. I noticed he wasn't there and started panicking. Dominic told me he probably just no-clipped into another level, but even if he did, he's probably not safe. Like that helps. He might even be dead. Oh god, is he dead? Shit, he's probably dead.
There isn't much I can do, but it's depressing. This place can give you everything and then just take it away.
Logging off now.
Log 45
It's been about a week since my last log.
Everyone's very sad about Vincent's disappearance. I didn't know the guy too well, but he seemed really nice. I miss him.
Florence, Noah, and Ray are leaving tomorrow. They're going to the M.E.G. base located in Level 11.
I've decided to stay here. I don't want to be part of the M.E.G. Truth be told, I'm just staying here because it's relatively safe and I want to help the friends I've made here.
I'm going out on another supply mission. I'll write again here soon.
Log 46
It's been a few days since my last log.
Despite Vincent's disappearance, everyone's been trying hard to keep their spirits high. Some of these people have known him for over a year.
We encountered a hound today on our supply mission. It was a 3v1, so we were able to outnumber it and we stood our ground until it ran away.
On a lighter note, I found my first real piece of food! All Level 5 really has to offer is granola bars and chips. You get used to it after a while. But today, I found a watermelon! I'm not going to question where it came from. I bit into it and it fucking screamed each time I took a bite, but I couldn't resist finishing it.
Theodore and I are good friends now. He's 22.
I don't have to go on a supply trip today, so there isn't much else to put here. I'll write again soon.
Log 47
I have some bad news.
Theodore is dead.
It happened so fast. We were just walking, and- and a Skin Stealer appeared out of nowhere in its main form. Hideous. He was leading, and he didn't have any time to react. It moved so quickly. It tore him apart while Dominic and I ran for our lives, his blood spilling like a waterfall.
This is depressing. Yesterday was really horrible. I just- I'm not afraid to admit it, I choked back a sob when Dominic told the others.
I'm sitting in bed while writing this.
My bedsheets are damp.
Log 48
The loss of a friend has pushed me to explore this place and fight off the filth that lives here. I'm going to leave this base and start exploring more on my own tomorrow. Florence gave me her machete, and Lee gave me lots of food and water, enough to last me a month.
Everyone else is staying at the base. They should be fine with Dominic and Lee there.
Log 49
I'm leaving in an hour.
Everyone is sad to see me go. I'm going to miss talking to them.
I'm going to kill that Skin-Stealer if it's the last thing I do.
Log 50
I left the base.
This is the start of a new journey, so I think I'm going to create a new entry for more logs.
I'll write here again soon.
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Written by
Logo edited byKitty Rika
[Their author page]
Dominic was originally created byFerraru
[Their author page]
Juno was originally created bymakaraig
[Their author page]-
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