Art Page Rules
All the Site Rules also apply to art pages. Pages that break the site rules will be deleted.
Art pages can be coldposted.
The artist must be the one to post the work. Artwork posted on behalf of the artist must have proof of the artist's permission to post the work. If the artist is banned, then their artwork cannot be posted on their behalf.
The artwork's file should be hosted on the wiki rather than offsite. If the artwork is too large, then the artwork can be hosted on a site such as Imgur or DeviantArt. On artwork hosted offsite, there must be a statement that the page is CC by SA so the artwork is compatible with our license. Personal sites will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
A broken link for art pages is cause for deletion after 1 month (30 days).
Art pages posted to the site may also be subject to the Critique Policy. For example, statements like, "The composition of this piece could use some work because XYZ." would be allowed. But "This is trash. You should practice more," would not be.
The deletion threshold for art pages is currently 0. The Deletions Policy also applies to art pages.
How to Submit An Art Page
1. Ask a staff member for the posting password.
2. In the submissions box, type "art:" followed by the page name for the piece of art.

3. Hit create page.
4. You will be taken to a submissions page, but you can still edit it normally.
5. Change the page title to the name of the art piece and add the art to the page. You can add a brief description of the art if you would like.

6. Save the page.
7. Upload the art file by clicking on "Files," then "Upload a file from your computer" and "Choose file."

8. The finished submission page should look something like this.

9. Tag your page with the "art" tag.
10. Let staff know when you have completed all these steps, and they'll move it to the right spot.