How To Write An Entity Page

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What is an entity?

An entity is a creature that would roam a level. They can range from being peaceful to very hostile, it's really up to you to decide how to make your entity.

How and where do I write an entity?

All articles, including entities, need to go through the greenlighting process; please visit the Greenlight Policy page. To start, you should set up a sandbox here and begin writing your entity draft. You can find the entity template on templates page. Once you think your sandbox draft is finished, you can head into our server (be sure to read the rules there as well) and send your sandbox link in the #sandbox-links channel. Alternatively, you can use the draft critique forum.

What does an average entity page include?

  • Put your entity number at the top, corresponding to the page number
  • Add its "Habitats" — What level(s) does it reside in? See below for more information.
  • Add a description, a short blurb about your entity, with tan overview fundamental information
  • Add its "Behaviors", What does it do? Is it hostile? Can it communicate?
  • Add its "Biology" — How does your entity work?
  • Add its "Discovery" — When/How was this entity discovered? What faction found it?
  • Add a "Do's and Don'ts" — An easy-to-digest list of tips and tricks concerning your entity

Habitat Guide

Most entities have actual levels listed for their habitats, but they can also reside in sub-levels, rooms, unnumbered levels, etc. For the sake of this guide, consider all of these levels. Also, keep in mind that you always have the option to add a small paragraph detailing your entity's habitat. This is encouraged!

If your entity has only 1 level as its habitat:

Simply list that one level. For example, the Artist.

If your entity has 5 levels or less as its habitat:

List the levels it resides in. For example, Reviooks.

If your entity has more than 5 levels as its habitat:

You have two options for detailing the habitat(s) of your Entity. The first is to list its most common habitats, followed by "Others". For example, the Disease.

Your other option is to use one of the habitat indicators. Words like, "Majority", or "N/A".

Habitat Indicators

Majority - The entity can be found on nearly every level of the Backrooms.
N/A - The entity/entities wander and do not stick to a single level as their home. This indicator can also can be used if the entity is extra-dimensional, and does not reside in a level the same way a physical creature would.
Unknown - The level/levels where the entity resides are currently unknown. You should use this if the entity has been confirmed to exist, but its level is unknown; this indicator is not for unconfirmed entities.
All - The entity is always present no matter where you go, it resides in all levels.
Moist - The entity resides in levels that have high moisture content or those that are cooler.
Dry - The entity resides in levels that are dry or hot.
Cosmopolitan - The entity is most commonly found on levels that contain high populations of humans.
Isolated - The entity resides in levels that are mostly devoid of humans.
Architectural - The entity is found on levels that have the appearance of the inside of a building. These entities will not appear on levels that resemble towns or outdoor areas.
Miteris - The entity resides in levels that constantly break the rules of reality/laws of physics.
Extinct - These species of entities have been successfully been erased from the Backrooms, or is completely dead due to an event.

Note: These indicators are completely optional, you can make your own indicator if you want.


For an entity template, please visit the templates page.

For an example of an entity page, please take a look at Entity 10 - "Skin-Stealer".

Still need help? Please check out the Guide Hub or help forums for more details. Alternatively, you could try and contact staff on our Discord server.

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