Liminal Greyspace
rating: +36+x

Mmm, a rating block.


Holy crap it's the Backrooms woah

Hey! Welcome to this theme page!

This theme is essentially supposed to be a dark-mode version of the main Liminal theme because light-mode themes, to me, are like the light of a thousand sun gods forcing their way up out of a cosmic nadir and bursting through my computer screen to terrorize my poor retinas for hundreds of years worth of torture in the span of minutes.

The original idea came from Vivamus's Dark Liminal theme, though I wasn't fond of the overall cooler color scheme. A lot of the stuff here is actually inspired from the Liminal theme while using the Dark Reader Chrome extension, though much is tweaked to be more pleasing on the eyes.

To use it, put the following code on your page:

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:liminal-greyspace]]

To create these nifty horizontal lines, put five hyphens in a row (-----). They'll go across the whole page unless put inside something such as a blockquote.

Horizontal lines not enough for you in terms of separating text? Try a title! Put between one and six +'s at the start of the line, followed by a space.

This is a tabview setup! And this is one specific tab in a tabview setup!

Block out that quote!
Blockquotes are great for a lot of stuff, from logs to stumps to full-on trees.
> Put a "> " at the start of each line.

Nested quotes, oh no.1

Where did it come from?

Where did it go?

Where did it come from?

Blockquoted Joe

Oh it's over now.

This is a table
I don't know why it's expected
that everybody should already
knows how to make these.
In all honesty, they aren't
particularly intuitive.

[[div class="darkblock"]]

Hey, this is pretty dark!


[[div class="darkerblock"]]

Help I can't see!


[[div class="lightblock"]]

Discord light mode except not tailored to be completely blinding.


[[div class="styled-quote"]]

Fancy schmancy.


[[div class="dark-styled-quote"]]

Comes in a dark version too. How splendid.


Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.

//Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.//

**Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.**

__Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.__

--Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.--

{{Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.}}

[[[Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.]]]

[[[Read and lead don't rhyme, but read and lead do. Red and led rhyme too, of course, and both of them rhyme with read and lead, yet don't rhyme with read and lead.]]]

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