BNTG Journal


By {$username}
Updated {$month}. {$day}, {$year} {$time} {$levels}

↑for importing author and title.↑

↓actual introducing page.↓

The B.N.T.G. Journal.

This is the sub-title test, Report shows that this is a news-like theme, and would like to be one of the first of its kind.

By cakelord114514
Updated Dec. 18, 2023 3:03 am Level-1

The B.N.T.G. Journal-Theme is created by cakelord114514cakelord114514, thanks to hoah2333hoah2333and Lupus CaeruleusLupus Caeruleusfrom CN wiki for fixing codes issue.

To import this theme to your page, put the following text anywhere inside it:

This following block is for making the custom ads block like shown above.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:bntg-journal
|custom = --]
|ads-image = url
|linked-place = url
|info = [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 1.[[/span]] [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 2.[[/span]]@@@@
|sub-title = this is the subtitle.
|username = [[user username in display]]@@@@ | for non exist username: [# username]
|month = Jan, Feb, use this format
|day = 01, 02…
|year = 2000, 2001…
|time = 0:00 am/pm
|levels = Level 1, Level 2…]]

This following block is for aesthetic use of ads block with Level 0 theme.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:bntg-journal
|level0 = --]
|info = [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 1.[[/span]] [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 2.[[/span]]@@@@
|sub-title = this is the subtitle.
|username = [[user username in display]]@@@@ | for non exist username type [# username]
|month = Jan, Feb, use this format
|day = 01, 02…
|year = 2000, 2001…
|time = 0:00 am/pm
|levels = Level 1, Level 2…]]


Level 0 aesthetic

This following block is for aesthetic use of ads block with "House is House" theme.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:bntg-journal
|house = --]
|info = [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 1.[[/span]] [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 2.[[/span]]@@@@
|sub-title = this is the subtitle.
|username = [[user username in display]]@@@@ | for non exist username: [# username]
|month = Jan, Feb, use this format
|day = 01, 02…
|year = 2000, 2001…
|time = 0:00 am/pm
|levels = Level 1, Level 2…]]


House, house house as house. Thanks for your attention.

This following block is for preset ads block of "BOINGs protection" theme.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:bntg-journal
|boings = --]
|info = [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 1.[[/span]] [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 2.[[/span]]@@@@
|sub-title = this is the subtitle.
|username = [[user username in display]]@@@@ | for non exist username: [# username]
|month = Jan, Feb, use this format
|day = 01, 02…
|year = 2000, 2001…
|time = 0:00 am/pm
|levels = Level 1, Level 2…]]


Be nice to BOINGs.

This following block is for aesthetic use of ads block with "The original photo" theme.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:bntg-journal
|origin = --]
|info = [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 1.[[/span]] [[span style="display:block"]]This is the text which I require to be displayed on line 2.[[/span]]@@@@
|sub-title = this is the subtitle.
|username = [[user username in display]]@@@@ | for non exist username: [# username]
|month = Jan, Feb, use this format
|day = 01, 02…
|year = 2000, 2001…
|time = 0:00 am/pm
|levels = Level 1, Level 2…]]


The long forgotten image, aside with the original Level 0 creepypasta.



The first picture ever taken of Level 0.

A horizontal rule can be created with 5 hyphens "-" and extends across the whole page if it's not placed inside anything (eg a blockquote). The lines separating sections of this document are horizontal rules.

Titles can be created by putting between one and six plus "+" at the start of the line

Oh look a tab.

This is a blockquote, created by putting "> " at the start of each line.
More text

That's a horizontal rule

Nested blockquotes1

This is a table
You should know how to make these
almond water isn't a currency
use B.S.C.(B.N.T.G. Standard Credit.)

this text
is here
so you can
see how
everything looks
with different
including links that do not
And links that does exist!

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