A long time ago, there were two brothers - the Lion and the Eye. The Lion served as king in his kingdom, and the Eye became a god in the lands of men.
One day, the Eye visited the Lion in his kingdom.
“Welcome, brother,” said the Lion. “What do you seek?”
“War has arisen in the lands of men,” replied the Eye. “The Beast and his master have come against the Man in White and His people. I amass an army, and I seek your aid.”
“My aid you shall have!” declared the Lion. “Have you considered my servant Gerald? A noble warrior is he, clad in blue and the master of talons, and none are like him.”
“I take him as my warrior,” said the Eye.
“May you be victorious,” replied the Lion.
Thus the Eye departed, and waged war against the Beast and his master.
A second time, the Eye visited the Lion in his kingdom.
“Peace, brother,” said the Lion. “Why have you come?”
“I seek to grow my power,” said the Eye. “The war has ended, but strife remains. Justice is weak in the lands of men, for their hearts are evil.”
“Brother,” said the Lion, “I sense you have lost your way. The Man in White has promised justice. Shall we not wait for it?”
“Perhaps,” said the Eye, “but I am justice’s arbiter, and I must uphold it. Moreover, your servant Gerald has betrayed me, for he serves the Beast, and himself.”
“I have no power over the hearts of men,” said the Lion. “Have you considered our sister, The Librarian? Her wisdom abounds, and her knowledge overflows. Perhaps she holds the counsel you desire!”
“Then her wisdom I shall seek,” said the Eye.
Thus the Eye departed, and sought the wisdom of the Librarian.
A third time, the Eye visited the Lion in his kingdom.
“Greetings, Argos,” said the Lion, “From what place have you come?”
From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it,” replied the Eye.
“Those are not your words!” cried the Lion. “They are the words of the Beast! Have you also forsaken our Master?”
“Who is He?” asked the Eye. “I am a god - I serve no master!”
“Why do you call yourself a god? You have forgotten the Name of the Man in White!” declared the Lion. “As Gerald fell, you have fallen, for you have sought the praise of men, and no longer seek the praise that comes from The One who sent us!”
“How dare you accuse me of wrong!” cried the Eye in anger. “I shall make war against your kingdom!”
“You have no power here,” pronounced the Lion. “Do the birds of the air and the beasts of the field know good from evil? Assuredly, you shall not judge my servants as men. Depart from my kingdom, and never return!”
Thus the Eye departed, and they were brothers no more.
The Lion served as king in his kingdom, and the Eye became a god in the lands of men.