Sehnsucht 2, Electric Boogaloo logs, 4/4/19


| gAxgRue:
Before I let you go, I have one final question.

| z vNbQXg:
I may have an answer.

| gAxgRue:
I'm chatting to you through the internet right now, but I'm in the… working name is "Headspace".

| z vNbQXg:

How does that work?

| gAxgRue:
That's what I was going to ask. I'm a bioengineer, not a computer engineer.

| z vNbQXg:
Neither am I, technically. But I understand why you're asking me. What are you messaging me on?

| gAxgRue:
My cellphone. Samsung Galaxy s10.

| z vNbQXg:
I'm guessing you don't have data in there.

| gAxgRue:
No, but there's Wi-Fi.

| z vNbQXg:
There's no way there's wifi in the Jungian Collective Subconciousness.

| gAxgRue:
Marie, please. It does particularly strike me as bullshit, yes. The names are a bit weird too.

| z vNbQXg:

| gAxgRue:
Right now I'm connected to "Sm9obiBNaWNoYWVsIEhpZ2dpbnM=".
I'm just glad this is a text chat. I don't know how I'd say that.

| z vNbQXg:
Looks like some form of hexadecimal. Maybe one of the bases. What kind of wifi is it?

| gAxgRue:
Typical, run of the mill wifi. My phone doesn't give me any other data on it, and it's not password protected or anything.

| z vNbQXg:
Is that the only wifi?

| gAxgRue:
Right now, yes. It's been different names in the past and sometimes there's more than one network. No discernable patterns.

| z vNbQXg:
Try to stay connected for a second. I'm going to trace your connection location.
Apparently the Headspace is a tech startup. You're in the California Bay Area right now.

| gAxgRue:
There's a new wifi that popped up. "Q29sbGVlbiBUcm90dA==". Should I connect?

| z vNbQXg:
Go for it.

| gAxgRue:
Run your silly little program again, silly little programming girl.

| z vNbQXg:
Stop flirting with me. I know you're married, it's just creepy.
And you suck at it.
Congratulations, you're in Maine now.

| gAxgRue:
Maine? I've heard it's nice this time of year.

| z vNbQXg:
Unless you're using a VPN, your connection isn't static. I don't know what would cause this.

| gAxgRue:
Coordinate our strike teams. I want you to figure out what's going on, on location.

| z vNbQXg:
Scrambling Black Knights Alpha. I want to do a few more tests before we do anything drastic.

| gAxgRue:
Test away.

END LOG logs, 4/7/19


| z vNbQXg:
Update on your wifi situation.

| gAxgRue:
I'm all ears.
Or eyes, I suppose.

| z vNbQXg:
We checked in on "U29maWEgSXZhbm92"; location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

| gAxgRue:

| z vNbQXg:
Nice girl opened the door, bleary eyed. We have her in custody now. Knight 014 was the closest when we detected it, and we established contact about a minute after the network disappeared on your end.

| gAxgRue:
You wouldn't have connected without something interesting.

| z vNbQXg:
Getting there.
We swept the place, and although there was networks present, none matched the name you provided. No clear liminal activity or anything. The only interesting thing is that we caught Ms. Sofia Ivanov taking a bit of a snooze.

| gAxgRue:
Now you have my attention.

| z vNbQXg:
It gets better.
We did some tests. She's cooperative but definitely doesn't want to be here, so we weren't expecting any results.
She recognized a photo of you, Jonathan.

| gAxgRue:
My name is no longer Jonathan.
But that is interesting. All but confirms some hypotheses of mine. Try out the new formula I was working on for amnesticization, it should clear out the past week or so.

| z vNbQXg:

| gAxgRue:
Don't have the time or patience to infodump.
Suffice to say that the network isn't just an "in or out" type deal. You can connect to the Headspace without being *in* the Headspace.
These networks may be… emblematic.

| z vNbQXg:
So you're connecting to… people.

| gAxgRue:
Or they're acting as extenders. Again, you're the tech one. You want access to my files?

| z vNbQXg:
They'll pass the time while I wait for the decryptions on those router names.

| gAxgRue:
My key is 19:5:8:14:19:21:3:8:20. At least for my research, that is.

| z vNbQXg:
I'll keep you notified. How are the Monarchs?

| gAxgRue:
Learning to read at this point. They grow up so fast when they're biologically 31 years old and have the adult brain of a supergenius.

| z vNbQXg:
Calling yourself a supergenius is incredibly egocentric, even if you might technically be correct.

| gAxgRue:
I never denied that.
I have to go, one of them is getting into a package of rations I found.
That reminds me, see if you can find anything on 'Spummy'. Canned meat product.

| z vNbQXg:
Will do. Board of directors wants to speak with you about a promotion, by the way. Hope they enjoy video calls.


rating: +17+x
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