Object 56, better known as the “Ultimate Backrooms Cookbook” is a small, 15-page cookbook that is copied and distributed throughout many levels of the Backrooms. The origins of the book are unknown, but it is currently one of the most redistributed pieces of text in the Backrooms. The book was discovered by the B.N.T.G. behind one of the barred doors on Level 3. Using a pole, the book was moved close enough to grab and taken back to Base Storage Unit. The original copy currently remains in the base.
The book is very small and measures about 7 in. (~18 cm) tall and 5 in. (~13 cm.) wide. The cover is red and worn with various stains, tears, and discoloration. The front cover is also blank, save for the previously mentioned title. The front pages, which presumably had the introduction and author on them, have been torn out for some reason. The author of the book is currently unknown.
Each page has one recipe on it, with each one always heavily involving backrooms-specific objects as the main ingredients, such as Firesalt Cocktails and Royal Ration milkshakes. The recipes all use the American Customary system, which has puzzled The M.E.G. even further in their quest for discovering the origin of the book. This book is also where the recipe for Memory Juice came from, albeit with some differences to the transcription in the article. All of the recipes have been tested and been extreme successes with people on levels like Level 6.1, Level 11, Level 4, and so on. While the original copy is very old and faded, copied versions have been transcribed onto online PDFs or other physical copies. Attached below is a digital recreation of the book’s pages and their contents:
Royal Rations Milkshake
- 1 whole Royal Ration
- 1 3/4 cup plain Lucky O’ Milk
- Whipped Cream and Cherry (optional, but recommended)
1: Cube the Royal Ration into 16 pieces to avoid lumps. Toss into a blender along with the milk.
2: Blend until smooth. Add less or more milk depending on how thin or thick you want it.
3: Top with whipped cream and cherry to taste. Additional ingredients such as chocolate syrup, sprinkles, crushed cookies, and more can be added to taste.
This recipe is an absolute show-stopper at parties! Or, if you or your friends are looking for a quick dessert, this 5-minute recipe will surely do the trick. Additionally, if you have kids who are eager for a quick, decadent after school snack, this is a perfect thing to quickly whip up for them. Royal Rations may be a bit tricky to find, but I can assure you they are indispensable for this recipe! Try adding chocolate or vanilla bean for new flavors. I promise that everyone who tries it will be begging you for more and more! If you ever get your hands on some Royal Rations, don’t hesitate to make this irresistible treat!
Firesalt Cocktail
- 1 ounce brandy
- 1 ounce peppermint schnapps
- 1 ounce sloe gin
- 1 ounce blackberry liqueur
- 1 ounce grenadine
- 1/4 ounce high-proof rum
- Pinch of shaved Firesalt
1: Measure out each ingredient, excluding the rum and Firesalt, into a glass. Be sure the glass is a tall one that can withstand high heat. Stir.
2: Once the alcohol is mixed together, float the rum on the top of the drink.
3: Sprinkle the Firesalt onto the top of the glass. The alcohol should immediately light on fire. Let the fire burn for about 20 seconds before extinguishing.
4: Stir the drink once more to dissolve any remaining particles of Firesalt.
5: Serve and enjoy.
Inspired by the 1991 episode of beloved television show “The Simpsons,” the Firesalt Cocktail is the perfect crowd pleaser, or even just a simple alcoholic beverage after a long day. However you choose to drink it, always be extremely careful with the fire. As shown in the image to the left, it is recommended you use extreme caution with the dangerous substance that is Firesalt. Using a small cup or container and dumping in the substance with fire-protective gloves is the best way to go, lest you burn yourself and ruin your night. The flame will be tall, so always remember safety first. Enjoy this wonderful mix of some of the most delectable spirits one can imagine!
Strangler Risotto
- 1 pound Strangler Meat, raw or cooked.
- 1 quart Strangler stock
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
- 1 medium shallot, chopped (about 1/2 cup)
- 1 1/2 cups arborio rice
- 1/2 cup white wine
- 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra for shaving
- Salt, to taste
1: If cooking the Strangler meat, poaching is the suggested method for doing so. Adding aromatics such as garlic, ginger, and any leftover shallots are recommended for additional flavor. Skip this step if eating the meat raw.
2: Pre-measure each ingredient, except for the Strangler meat, into small containers and set aside. Take the meat and cut it into small, bite-sized pieces. Set aside.
3: In a saucepan, heat the stock over medium-low heat. Once heated, leave on a low heat. Do not let the stock boil.
4: In a separate, large pot, heat the oil and 1 tablespoon of the butter over medium heat. Sauté the shallots for 2-3 minutes until translucent.
5: Add the rice and continue sautéing for 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently as to not brown the rice. By this point, the grains should give off a nutty aroma and be fully coated with the fat. Optionally, a splash of Almond Water can be added for additional flavor.
6: Add the wine in slowly and cook for 1 more minute, stirring constantly until the liquid is fully absorbed by the grains.
7: Using a ladle, pour in a full scoop of stock and stir constantly until the liquid has fully absorbed. Do not add more than a ladleful at a time. It’s very important at this step to not stop stirring as to not scorch the rice.
8: As soon as the rice is mostly dry, add in another ladleful. Repeat this until all the stock has been used. This should take about 20-30 minutes. To test if it’s done, the grains should be al dente.
9: Once all the stock has been added, stir in the remaining butter and Parmesan cheese. Season to preferred taste with the salt.
10: Fold in the chicken and serve in small, individual bowls. Garnish with additional Parmesan cheese and enjoy!
Risotto is certainly not an easy recipe to make, but it is definitely worth it. The Stranglers are a delicious replacement for chicken, if not better! Risotto is a very tedious recipe, but one you will not regret making! While the ingredients, especially the Stranglers, are a challenge to obtain, it will be well worth the effort. Enjoy this amazing, savory delicacy.
Memory Juice
- 1lb of crushed Wormlings, about 4-6 individual
- 4 oz Water/Almond Water
- Sock (or other item of clothing)
1: Crush Wormlings with gloved hands until the venom pops out of their pharynx. Wormlings should be crushed to the point of being a paste, or almost completely liquified.
2: To your boil-safe container, add the liquid and Wormlings.
3: Heat over fire until it boils. Boil for longer or shorter depending on how strong you want the yield to be. It should smell like tobacco (do not remove from heat before this occurs).
4: Once cooled, place the liquid into the sock and strain the juice into a jar. Discard the sock and chunks.
5: Bottle and store refrigerated.
While the other recipes in this book are very enjoyable to have anytime, this recipe should not be abused. This is a drug, and therefore should be used in moderation. Never drink raw memory juice, as you will lose every one of your memories except for basic human functions. Do not use more than 1-2 times a week to avoid withdrawal. Always remember the basic precautions to use when taking drugs, and to never ever lose control of yourself to them. Enjoy!
Lucky O’ Milk Ice Cream
- 1 3/4 cup of Heavy cream
- 1 1/4 cup of Lucky O’ Milk
- 3/4 cup of sugar
- 1/8 tsp. of salt
- 1 vanilla bean split in half lengthwise
- Additional toppings such as cookie dough, brownie bites, etc.
1: Pour 1 cup of the cream into a saucepan. Add the sugar, salt, seeds of the vanilla bean, and the vanilla bean pod.
2: Warm the mixture over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and add the remaining ingredients. Mix in additional topping ingredients if using. Stir to combine.
3: Chill in the refrigerator until thickened. Store in the freezer.
Who doesn’t love a decadent lick of some good old ice cream? Using the delicious Lucky O’ Milk, you can make your very own ice cream from home! It is recommended you use the plain flavor for this, but feel free to add things such as cocoa powder for the Choco flavor or strawberries for the Strawberry flavor! This wonderful milk creates a fantastic treat that will give you a wonderful taste of Frontrooms nostalgia.
Hivemind Dinner Bowl
Chicken marinade (optional)
- 1 Tbsp mustard (stone ground spread if possible)
- 1 Tbsp white pepper
- 1 Tsp onion powder
- 1 Tbsp paprika
- 1 Tbsp salt
- 2 cups buttermilk
Flour dredge
- 2 1/2 cups flour
- 2 1/2 Tbsp salt
- 1 1/4 Tbsp coarse salt
- 3 1/2 Tbsp paprika
- 3 Tbsp white pepper
- 1 Tbsp mustard powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1 Tbsp garlic powder
- 1 Tbsp thalasaberry black pepper
- 1 Tbsp ground ginger
- 2 tsp dried thyme
- 2 tsp dried oregano
Hivemind Based Potatoes
- 3 pounds of Hivemind meat (ground)
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup Sour cream
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 1/2 cups Strangler stock
- 5 dried mushrooms
- 1 garlic head
- 4 Tbsp butter
- 4 Tbsp flour
- 2 cups rich and fortified Hivemind/Strangler stock
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Generous pinch salt
Brown Butter Corn
- 1-2 stalks of corn
- 3 Tbsp unsalted butter
- Salt to taste
1: Begin the marinade. Mix the seasonings together in a large bowl, slowly pouring in the buttermilk. To make a buttermilk substitute, replace 2 Tbsp of the milk with a citrus juice such as lemon or lime.
2: Place hivemind strips in the marinade and cover. Refrigerate between 1-24 hours. Steps one and two are optional, but recommended.
3: Combine all the ingredients for the flour in another large bowl. Toss the marinaded Hivemind meat in the dredge until thoroughly coated.
4: Fill a heavy pot with oil and heat to 350ºF. Fry each piece for 3-5 minutes.
5: Dry the Hivemind meat on a paper towel.
6: Place the ground Hivemind into a bowl. Heat the milk and butter until fully combined into a liquid. Mix in slowly until desired consistency is reached (not all of it may be used).
7: Add sour cream, salt, and pepper, and set aside.
8: In a different sauce pot, pour in the Strangler stock. Add the mushrooms and bring to a simmer. Once it reaches simmer point, lower the heat.
9: Add the peeled and halved garlic head and, optionally, a bundle of thyme.
10: Steep over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain out the solids into a temporary, separate container.
11: In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Carefully whisk in the flour.
12: Pour the stock into the roux while whisking. Keep whisking until thickened. Add a pinch of salt.
13: Shuck each stalk of corn until all the kernels have been removed.
14: Melt butter in a small saucepan until it browns.
15: Immediately turn off the heat and mix in the corn and salt.
16: Carefully place the Hivemind based potatoes at the bottom of the bowl. Top the potatoes with gravy followed by the brown buttered corn. Top with the fried chicken and drizzle additional gravy. Optionally garnish with grated cheese and chives.
Who could resist an amazing, homemade dinner bowl in the style of Kentucky Fried Chicken? While this may seem like a very ambitious set of ingredients, you’d be shocked at the fruits that The Field of Wheat can provide! Aside from the Hiveminds and Strangler stock, all ingredients can be found hidden within the far reaches of the wheat field. This amazing use of Hivemind meat will have you earnestly craving more of its savory goodness.
Deep fried Arachnid
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 large Hen egg
- 1 cup Almond Water
- Ice cubes, for chilling the water
- 2 cups canola or vegetable oil
- 4 large Arachnids of The Cave (ideally around 8cm in length)
- 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1: Sift the flour into a bowl. Set aside.
2: Crack the egg into a separate, small bowl. Mix lightly until the yolk and whites have been incorporated.
3: Pour the ice water into the egg (strain if ice cubes haven’t melted) and mix.
4: Combine the egg mixture with the flour until a batter forms and lumps have disappeared. Set batter aside.
5: In a deep saucepan, heat oil to 350ºF.
6: Using a sharp knife, sever and discard the abdomens. Using a cigarette lighter, torch, brûlée, or something of the sort, carefully singe off any hairs from the arachnids.
7: Thoroughly coat each Arachnid in the batter until fully covered. Make sure the batter is not clumped together but evenly spread.
8: One at a time, deep-fry each arachnid for a minute each. Remove once batter is a golden brown, and place on a paper towel to dry.
9: Cut each Arachnid in two lengthwise and sprinkle with paprika. Discard the end of the head as to avoid eating the venom-filled fangs.
Ahhh! Spiders! While these guys may look terrifying, they are surely quite appetizing! Straight from the The Cave, these huge Arachnids can be fried and consumed as a salty, savory appetizer. Make sure you’re really careful as to remove the fangs at the end and singe off the hairs properly, lest you get a nasty surprise when you take a bite. Enjoy!
Scrambled Hen Eggs
- 4 large Hen eggs
- 1/4 cup half-and-half or milk
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon butter
- Black pepper for serving
- Fresh chopped herbs for serving (optional)
1: In a medium bowl, aggressively whisk the eggs, half-and-half, and salt until everything is thoroughly combined.
2: Melt the butter in a small, non-stick pan. Tilt the pan until the butter has coated the whole bottom.
3: Add the eggs to the center of the pan and adjust the heat to a medium-low.
4: Let eggs cook for a few seconds until the edges have partially solidified. Using a plastic spatula, pull the edges to the center. Repeat until eggs begin to scramble.
5: Once eggs have formed a cloudy shape, so to speak, fold the eggs into the pan a few times. Eggs should be solidified but ever so slightly wet.
6: Remove eggs from heat, transferring to a plate. Season with the pepper and garnish with the herbs. Enjoy!
Scrambled eggs may seem like a simple recipe, but they are absolutely wonderful when done right! Say goodbye to boring, plain, old eggs and try these absolutely perfect scrambled eggs, straight from the Hens! Try it with some bacon, toast, or cheese. The possibilities are near endless!
Grand Jungle Açaí Breakfast Bowl
- 1 banana, sliced
- 1/2 cup blueberries
- 1/2 cup strawberries
- 3/4 cup Lucky O’ Milk (preferably banana or strawberry flavor)
- 1/2 cup plain Lucky O’ Milk based yogurt
- 7 oz. puréed Açaí berries from The Grand Jungle
- Assorted toppings (nuts, granola, additional fruit, etc.)
1: Slice the banana and put onto a plate or baking tray. Add the strawberries and blueberries and place into the freezer until fully frozen.
2: Add the Açaí berries (not frozen!) to the blender and mix until fully puréed.
3: Once the fruit is frozen, add the milk and yogurt to a blender. Lucky O’ Milk and yogurt made from it is the best option due to its soothing properties.
4: Add your frozen fruit and blend on low. Stop every so often to push the fruit around to make sure it gets fully incorporated.
5: Continue to blend on low until smooth. Add additional milk if needed; the paste should be very thick.
6: Divide the mixture into two bowls. Add your desired toppings to the top of the bowl and serve immediately.
Açaí is an absolutely imperative start to your morning. Fresh fruit from the Grand Jungle is a treat of unmatched delectability. Açaí is dense with nutrients and antioxidants, boosts your brain function, and gets you set and ready for a long, hard day. If you ever find yourself in the Grand Jungle, don’t hesitate to pick up some açaí for breakfast the next day; you won’t regret it!
Gluff Burger
Burger Buns
- 2 1/2 tsp yeast
- 1/2 cup plain Lucky O’ Milk
- 1/2 cup water (regular is preferred, but Almond Water also works)
- 3 1/2 cups flour
- 5 tbsp Vital Wheat Gluten
- 1 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 Tbsp sugar
- 3 Tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 Hen egg
- 1 Hen egg yolk
- 1 Sweet Onion, diced
- Vegetable Oil
- Salt
- 1 cup Mayonnaise
- 1/2 cup Ketchup
- 1/2 cup Mustard
- 1 Dill pickle, diced
- Black pepper
- 1lb ground Gluff
- Salt
- Black Pepper
- Cheddar cheese
- American cheese
- Additional toppings such as tomatoes, lettuce, onions, etc.
1: Begin by making the buns. Heat the milk until lukewarm. Dissolve the yeast into it. Let bloom for 3 minutes.
2: To make your flour, measure out the 3 1/2 cups and remove 5 Tbsp from it. Replace that with 5 Tbsp of Vital Wheat gluten based from wheat of the Wheat Field, and mix until combined.
3: In a large bowl, pour in your flour mixture, sugar, and salt. If you can get ahold of an electric mixer, use that. Begin mixing on low until the dry ingredients are combined. Slowly pour in your vegetable oil, yeast mixture, Hen egg, and Hen egg yolk. Continue mixing until a smooth dough forms.
4: Knead the dough into a round ball shape. Place into a greased, glass bowl and cover. Rise in a warm, bright area for one hour.
5: Punch down the dough and place onto a floured work surface. Divide into 6 even pieces and shape into round dough balls.
6: Place the dough balls on a tray and cover. Let rise for another 30 minutes. Begin preheating your oven to 375ºF.
7: Uncover the dough balls and brush with a light egg wash. Place into oven and let bake for 15 minutes.
8: Remove from oven and baste with butter.
9: Begin making the sauce. Dice the onion and set aside. Begin heating a large pan over medium-high fire until oil has coated the pan entirely.
10: Sear the onions for a few minutes until transparent. Mix in salt and remove from heat.
11: Mix all ingredients into a separate bowl, including the onions, until combined.
12: Begin making your patties. Take 1 pound of ground Gluff meat and add to a large bowl. Divide into 8 pieces.
13: Heat a pan with NO OIL over medium-high fire. Place each piece of meat onto the pan and press down into a disc shape.
14: Season to taste, and sear for two minutes.
15: Flip the patty and add the cheese. Sear for one more minute.
16: Remove the patty from the pan and begin assembling your burger.
17: On the bottom half of an optionally toasted bun, add a spoonful of sauce. Add the first patty.
18: Repeat steps 13-16 with a second piece of meat.
19: Add the second patty, and drizzle with more sauce.
20: Add any additional desired toppings and add the top bun.
Juicy, savory, practical, and delicious, this burger is an absolute must-have! Many of the ingredients such as the wheat gluten and Gluff meat are easily sourced fresh and naturally from The Field of Wheat. Gluffs make a great substitute for cow meat. Additionally, you can try making wheat bread instead for the buns, or try adding additional meat like bacon! What are you waiting for? Heat up a grill and call all your friends to a cookout of Gluff burgers!
Snackrooms Cocoa Cookie Truffles
- 36 Cocoa-Cookie sandwiches from O’Mio’s Bakery in the Snackrooms
- 8 oz. Cream Cheese (not softened)
- 1 cup white chocolate chips
- Coconut oil
1: In a food processor or blender, mix together O’Mio’s cookies until fully ground into crumbs. Remove a spoonful and set aside.
2: Add cream cheese. Continue blending until the mixture is uniform.
3: Onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, roll small pieces of the mixture into balls. Cover and chill for 30 minutes.
4: Melt the white chocolate with a double boiler over medium-high fire. Stir in coconut oil as needed to soften mixture.
5: Toss each truffle in the white chocolate. Set back on the baking sheet to harden.
6: Sprinkle the reserved crumbs onto the top of each truffle. Optionally, milk chocolate can be melted and drizzled over each truffle as well.
7: Serve immediately or store in the fridge.
Quick and easy, these delicious treats are surely a people pleaser! A good place to find coconuts would be on The Coconut Isles. Coconut oil made from fresh coconuts like that help enhance the flavor in a major way! O’Mio’s cocoa cookies from the Snackrooms are the key ingredient to these delicious little truffles, and she is happy to provide!1 Enjoy!
Spicy Egg fried Ramen
- 1 package of Meri’s Chin instant ramen from The Inconvenience Store
- 1 tsp of dry vegetable flakes
- 1 Tbsp butter
- 1 tsp Minced olive oil garlic
- Very small pinch of pulverized Firesalt
- 1 tsp brown sugar
- 1 Tbsp Teriyaki Sauce
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
- Everything bagel seasoning to taste
1: Cook the instant ramen according to the directions on the package. Add the vegetable flakes to the boiling water as well. Leave out flavor packet for now. Drain noodles and set aside.
2: Melt the butter in a pan over medium fire. Mix in the garlic and sautée for about a minute. Using extreme caution, add in the Firesalt. Firesalt should be carefully sprinkled in and immediately mixed into the butter to avoid combustion. Stir in the brown sugar, flavor packet, and teriyaki sauce.
3: Once a sauce has formed, add in your drained noodles and coat thoroughly. Move noodles to one side of the pan.
4: Pour the lightly beaten egg onto the empty side of the pan, turning up the heat to a medium-high.
5: Scramble the egg into the noodles until set. Remove from heat.
6: Top with everything bagel seasoning. Serve immediately.
Objectively, this is probably one of the least delicious looking recipe in this book, but looks can sure be deceiving! The ingredient of Firesalt may be confusing, but it is imperative for the spicy flavor! When dissolved in something like Almond Water, the Firesalt immediately loses its spiciness, but in a hot sauce, the spiciness adds a fantastic flavor, believe it or not. This quick and easy recipe utilizing something as simple as Instant Ramen is a delicious, flavorful lunch that you can make in mere minutes!
Water World Cajun Seafood Boil
Boil Seasoning:
- 1/3 cup smoked paprika
- 3/4 cup old bay seasoning
- 3 Tbsp cayenne pepper
- 2 Tbsp mustard powder
- 3 1/2 Tbsp salt
- 2 Tbsp sugar
- 3 Tbsp ground black pepper
- 1 Tbsp ground coriander
- 2 Tbsp dried thyme
Spicy Cajun Butter
- 4 sticks butter
- 12 cloves garlic, minced
- 3 Tbsp of the boil seasoning
- 1 Tbsp smoked paprika
- 2 Tbsp old bay seasoning
- Water
- 2 lemons, sliced
- 2 garlic heads, halved
- 2 yellow onions, roughly chopped
- 6 ears corn, peeled and halved
- 2 lbs smoked cooked pork sausage from the Zoological Office
- 1 large Sark Crab
- 2 1/2 lbs Water World crawfish
- 1 3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp fish based stock
- 2 Tbsp soy sauce (white if possible)
- 1 Tbsp white wine vinegar
- 5 bay leaves
- The rest of the Boil seasoning
- Salt to taste
- 2 Tbsp hot sauce of any desired spice level
- 15 whole red potatoes
- 2 lbs head-on Water World shrimp
1: Begin by making the Cajun seasoning. Combine all of the ingredients for the seasoning and set aside.
2: Once seasoning is made, begin melting the butter over medium fire until liquified.
3: Sautée the peeled garlic for 2-3 minutes. Add in the paprika, old bay, and 3 Tbsp of the boil seasoning, and stir for an additional 30 seconds.
4: Begin by making the actual boil. Take the largest and tallest pot possible and add an insert designed for seafood steaming. Fill it with water until the water just barely seeps through the strainer. Begin boiling over a high-heat fire.
5: Start by prepping the vegetables. Half the lemons, garlic, and shucked ears of corn and set aside. Rough chop the yellow onions and set those aside as well.
6: Using pre-cooked and pre-smoked pork sausage from Zoological Office based pork, cut the 2 pounds of sausage into 3 inch segments. Set aside.
7: For the seafood, start by breaking the Sark Crab’s legs off, separating each one into two meaty clusters. Cover the crawfish in a tub of water and let sit for about 8 minutes and then drain. Fill again, gently stir, and drain once more. Repeat this twice more. Set the seafood aside.
8: Take 3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp of your stock and pour it into a separate bowl. Combine with the soy sauce and vinegar.
9: Once steamy, add the regular stock, flavored stock, and the rest of the ingredients to the water. Using a long, wooden spoon, stir gently.
10: Add in your boil seasoning and hot sauce, giving it a thorough stir. Do not add all of the seasoning at once, and add it slowly to taste. The water should be spicy and have a strong Cajun flavor.
11: Once the water reaches a strong boil, boil all of the potatoes for 10-15 minutes until almost cooked. Once the potatoes are ready, add in the sausage and seafood. Stir gently.
12: Cover and reduce the temperature from a high to a medium-high flame. Let the pot gently boil for 10 more minutes.
13: Add in the corn and immediately remove from the heat. Gently stir again and let the corn sit in the mixture for 5 minutes.
14: Once boil is done, it’s time to get messy. On a table, roll out newspapers across the entire top. Carefully lift the filter and drain the boil of its liquid. Dump the boil all over the table and pour the spicy butter all over it. Notify your guests that the boil is ready, and dig in!
Seafood boil is an experience that words cannot fully describe. The tangy flavor of the seafood, the spicy flavor of the sausage, the savory flavor of the corn, and the to-die-for butter sauce all make such a heavenly meal. Feel free to add in other kinds of seafood such as lobster or fish! Also, you can double things like the meat if you have an especially large crowd. This recipe is an opportunity you can’t pass up.
Uncle Aussie’s2 Bayou Salad Surprise
Pine Salad dressing
- 3/4 cup dried pine needles from the Swampy Water Marsh
- Strained swamp water3
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 3 handfuls of chopped romaine lettuce
- Red beets
- Cottage cheese
- Raspberry jam
- Mixed olives
- Chives
- Chickpeas
- Black Forest tofu
- Nuts and seeds
- 2 Tbsp dried pine needles
1: Begin by making the dressing. Fill a 1 cup glass jar with 1/3 cup of pine needles, and then with strained swamp water from the Swampy Water Marsh. As long as the recipe is followed correctly, the recipe will be safe to consume! Fill the jar to its brim and seal tightly. Place in a warm, dark spot for 1 week.
2: Strain the oil into a different jar or bottle. Optionally, a splash of white vinegar can be added at this point to enhance flavor.
3: Add in the lemon juice, salt, garlic, and maple syrup. Mix until fully combined. Set aside.
4: In two regular bowls, equally distribute the lettuce. Romaine is the suggested type.
5: Top with all of the ingredients to taste. Top with the homemade salad dressing, and enjoy!
Pine needles?! You aren’t seeing things! Uncle Aussie’s Bayou Surprise is a delicious appetizer to serve at the start of a meal. Everyone knows salad is a must-have for a full course luncheon or dinner! The flavor of pine blends beautifully with the romaine, and while some may have doubts, this salad is one of the best you’ll ever have.
TMIG Dirt Pudding
- 2 packages of instant chocolate pudding
- 3 cups plain Lucky O’ Milk
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 8 oz. softened cream cheese
- 1/4 cup softened butter
- 12 oz cool whip
- 40 cocoa cookie sandwiches from O’Mio’s Bakery
- 20 TMIG worms
1: Mix the pudding mix and milk in a bowl, and let stand for 2-3 minutes.
2: Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, cream the powdered sugar, cream cheese, and butter until smooth and creamy.
3: Add the cream cheese mixture into the pudding until thoroughly combined. Gently fold in the cool whip.
4: Crush the cookies in a big bag until they are crumbs. Pour in half the cookies and mix into the pudding. Top the pudding with the other half.
5: Carefully place the TMIG worms into the pudding. Optionally, dye can be used to give them a better color.
6: Cover and chill for 30 minutes. Serve immediately or store refrigerated.
A classic dessert, this recipe utilizes the “This Meat is Gummy” worms to add the finishing touch to this delicious, decadent, irresistible treat. The name is incredibly deceiving, given this tastes nothing like actual dirt. Enjoy this wonderful dessert that your guests will be begging for more of.
The original book is currently under the guard of the B.N.T.G., and is one of the few things in the group’s possession that is not for sale. Something to note is that a few pages seem to have been torn out from the book, which presumably explains the lack of any introductory statements, closing remarks, author attributions, table of contents, or index/glossary.
The book is estimated to have been copied and distributed about 450,000 times across all levels of the Backrooms. All of the recipes, even ones that seem dangerous, such as the Spicy Egg Fried Ramen or Uncle Aussie’s Bayou Surprise, have been proven to be entirely safe as long as they are prepared properly. Not only are they safe, but the recipes have received extremely popular reviews from food critics and wanderers alike. All of the recipes in the book have become incredibly popular and famous in societies such as Level 11 and Level 162.
The book also references real places and brands, such as O’Mio’s bakery and Meri’s Chin ramen. The prior of the two has existed for many years on 6.1, and was originally a small stand outside of the restaurants. Since the book’s mass publishing, O’Mio’s bakery has become one of the most popular places on 6.1. The owner of the bakery, Minnie O’Mio, claims to have no idea who could have possibly written the book, as she never had any regular customers until the book was found. She has welcomed the new wave of business though, and sells hundreds of her signature cocoa cookie sandwiches every day. Meri’s Chin ramen was discovered on 480 not long after the book was found as well, which was previously an undocumented brand. It has since become one of the most sought out items on the level, and many wanderers have fallen victim to the level’s infamous booby trapped products in hopes of obtaining the ramen. This simultaneously narrows down the time frame of when the book could have been written, while additionally putting it into even further question, given that Entity 155 was also not yet discovered when the book was originally found.
The author of the book also seems to have incredibly vast knowledge of more mysterious levels, such as Level 480 and Level 66 — both of which the M.E.G. still has very limited knowledge about. This detail makes the quest of identifying the author all that more challenging. Many red herrings and fakers have come up in the case, but no substantial evidence has come forward, partially due to the unexplorable nature of Level 3. The B.N.T.G. has created an unofficial supplementary document for the community to post their own recipes. Any information about the book’s author or the book in general should be immediately directed to The M.E.G.
Written by Natedagreat563
Author Page
This article is a gift for Nukboi for the 2021 Holiday Exchange.
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Levels | Electrical Station | The White Forest | TH3 SH4DY GR3Y | The Metro | The Dark Metro |
Sub-Levels | Terror Hotel Casino | Level 800.1 |
Entities | Endless/Nameless | The Saberzoa | Icarus Procidens |
Objects | The Ultimate Backrooms Cookbook | Spirit Links | Almond Water |
Tales | Wake Up and Smell the Pain | Archived Journals of Lucy Fox | The Broken City Part 1: City Boy | The Broken City Part 2: Macy | The Broken City Part 3: Meggies | The Broken City Part 4: Terror | Blanche’s Halloween Party | Cracks |
People of Interest | Eden G. |
Guides/Essays | Survival Difficulty Class System Guide | Offsets 101 |
The recipes in this article were adapted from preexisting recipes, not copied exactly, but adapted to fit the theme of the article. They are credited below:
The design of each page is inspired by “The Farm Home Cookbook, Wholesome and Delicious Recipes from the Land” by Elsie Kline.
Recipes referenced:
Royal Ration milkshake adapted from “How to Make a Milkshake” by Preppy Kitchen
Firesalt cocktail adapted from “Flaming Moe or Homer Cocktail” by Colleen Graham and The Simpsons
Strangler Risotto adapted from “Chicken Risotto” by Danilo Alfaro
Memory juice derived from Object 11 by 1000dumplings, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Lucky O’ Milk Ice cream adapted from “The Best (and Easiest) Ice Cream You’ll Ever Make” by Mary Younkin
Hivemind Dinner bowl adapted from “KFC Famous Bowl (But Better)” by Joshua Weissman
Deep fried Arachnid is a combo of two recipes: “Easy Japanese Tempura Batter” by Setsuko Yoshizuka and “Deep-Fried Tarantula Spider” by David George Gordon
Source 1 | Source 2
Hen Scrambled eggs based off of “How To Make The Absolute Best Scrambled Eggs” by Amy
Grand Jungle Açaí breakfast bowl based off of “Acai Bowl Recipe – How to Make Your Own Acai Bowl” by Jessica Randhawa
Gluff Burger based off of “ 2 Dollar Homemade Burger (But Cheaper)” by Joshua Weissman
Snackrooms Cocoa Cookie Truffles based off of “Easy Oreo Balls” by honeybobabear.
Spicy Egg fried ramen based off of “TikTok Ramen” by i am a food blog.
Water world Cajun Seafood Boil based off of “Homemade Cajun Seafood Boil” by Joshua Weissman
Uncle Aussie’s Bayou Salad is based off of two recipes: “Pine Needle Salad Dressing” by Susan Vinskofski and“ Black Forest Salad Bowl with pine needles and Misovinaigrette- “Make Salad Great again” ” by Truefoods.
Source 1 | Source 2
TMIG dirt pudding is based off of “Dirt Pudding” by chefsharp
I do not claim ownership of any of these recipes, and no copyright infringement is intended. All rights go to the original authors, creators, and contributors.
“Object 56” by Natedagreat563 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Image Sources:
"paper-texture-07" by designshard is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"<I>What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking</I>" by Abby Fisher, American, 1832 - before 1920 is marked with CC0 1.0, edited by Natedagreat563.
"Boysenberry milkshake in a tumbler decorated with two mermaids (World Market), spoon, mesh patio table, blue glass candle lamp, white Buddha, Japanese lantern, pink carpet roses, A Garden for the Buddha, Seattle, Washington, USA" by Wonderlane is marked with CC0 1.0
"¿la has probado ardiendo?" by grapa is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
"Kombucha Day 1" by ~Twon~ is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Ice Cream" by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Fried Tarantula" by Sistak is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
"Scrambled Eggs on Sourdough Toast - Mario's AUD7.50" by avlxyz is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
“Açaí bowl at Choice in Maui” by @rsseattle is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
"Omakase Burger" by Lynn Chan is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"white-chocolate-truffles" by David Leggett is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Viet-Cajun Boil - Step5: Chow Down" by Ty Nigh is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Rainforest Salad - Daintree Eco Lodge" by avlxyz is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
"I bought my side dishes" by daveynin is licensed under CC BY 2.0
All other images are original and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Any edits or modifications were done by me.