Exit: 4/5
Very Difficult to Exit
Environment: 2/5
Some Environmental Risk
Entities: 2/5
Some Hostile Presence
Yusuf Ibrahim and Amelia Webster are the only people known to have to have successfully exited this level and all information in this article was obtained from these individuals.
Brilliant Evermore is a vast, barren and polluted landscape marked with extreme weather, burning sunlight and harmful smog. The structures that are few and far between can be used as a shield against the elements and contain large quantities of valuable objects, but it is not advised to enter this level as it is near impossible to find an exit.
The sky can be clear or overcast. Rain is uncommon, but when it does occur, it will happen in large storms which have high winds and heavy lightning. This is usually accompanied by flash flooding.
The air is polluted and has a smoky odour. Smog can sometimes manifest. This can range from a brownish or greyish haze on the horizon to a full on fog that only allows you to see a few metres.
After spending several years on this level, many wanderers develop a persistent cough that can progress to difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, and ultimately death.
There is an ordinary 24 hour day night cycle. Temperatures fluctuate throughout the day, ranging from 15°C to 35°C, though there are heatwaves where temperatures higher than 60°C have been recorded. The ultraviolet index can reach 20, so it is advised to avoid contact with sunlight to avoid severe sunburns.
There are three main biomes present. Wanderers have referred to these biomes as “the grasslands”, “the hills” and “the highways”.
The grasslands consist of largely flat terrain with some small hills. The grass is short and no other plants are present. The grass looks like real grass, however on close inspection it becomes apparent it is made of plastic. Sprinkler heads occasionally stick up from the plastic grass blades, but most of these are non-functional. Some, however some spray contaminated water, staining the grass around them a black colour.
The hills are mountainous regions of the level, composed of exposed rocks and dirt with no plant life. No built structures are present in this biome, but what appear to be abandoned mines can be found. Reports exist of tunnels leading to mineshafts kilometres below the surface.
The highways are flat expanses of asphalt and concrete, marked with standard lane lines and arrows. There are some gutters which drain rain water, but they are not numerous enough to prevent flooding. The threats of flooding, high winds, smog and extreme heat are the greatest in this biome, however the flat terrain makes it ideal for vehicle travel, hence the name "highways."
There are lakes, rivers and oceans, however the water is acidic and contains heavy metals. It should not be consumed. Where the ocean meets the land there are sandy beaches littered with washed up plastic waste.
Structures can be found in the grasslands and the highways and come in various types, for example, mansions, supermarkets and warehouses. They are built from durable material with windows made from bullet proof glass. They are elevated above the ground so they are protected from flooding.
The buildings have air conditioning, heating, and air filtration systems that maintain a comfortable interior temperature of 21°C with minimal smog, although some systems are broken in certain buildings. Solar panels on the roofs and sides of these structures provide power with batteries maintaining the supply at night.
The solar panels also power electric vehicle charging stations which charge electric SUVs and pickup trucks stationed in garages around the buildings. As keys for these vehicles are usually found inside the structures, they are commonly used as means of transport by wanderers.
The interiors of the building are lavish and are in excellent condition. They are fully furnished with stocked shelves and cupboards, but much of the displayed food is fake plastic.
The primary food sources are Royal Rations and Star Candy, both of which are plentiful. These foods are able to meet people’s nutritional requirements, but their addictive nature has resulted in violent confrontations between different wanderers over access. Yusuf Ibrahim and Amelia Webster were observed to be overweight when they were found.
Liquids can be more challenging to obtain. Any taps located in the buildings do not dispense water and if they do, the water is contaminated. There are a few bottles of Almond Water, Lucky O’ Milk and fresh water per building, forcing travel between buildings every few days to prevent dehydration. The taps once provided clean water earlier in the level’s history.
Rare items can be found in abundance on this level. These include high-value Frontrooms items like gold, platinum, and jewels, as well as rare Backrooms items such as Royal Rations, Babel Balm, Lightning in a Bottle, The Throne, and Liquid Silence. Surprisingly, items created by Backrooms Robotics, like Red Light White Lights, have appeared despite Backrooms Robotics having no known connection to this level.
What appeared to be a military base as noted by Amelia Webster [𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗]. This could [𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗].
Electronic devices such as computers, phones, televisions, game consoles and radios are present and are usable. The devices cannot be used to send and receive signals outside the level, though there is a strong radio signal from an unknown source transmitting at the hydrogen line of 1420 MHz.
The Radio
The radio station airs a variety of different media, including music, podcasts, advertisements, and strange sounds. Broadcasts are in multiple languages, primarily English, often featuring nonsensical content, though there is a recurring maths podcast which is coherent. The station identifies itself as "Station Number One."
Radios found within the buildings are all set to be playing Station Number One continuously. The radios can be extremely loud in some cases. Noise as loud as 110 dB has been recorded, so it is recommended to wear hearing protection while in the buildings and to deactivate or turn down the radios when they are found. The radios also only turn off between 2:00 and 5:00, so they should also be turned off for good quality sleep.
The radios produce abnormal noises from time to time. Barking, whispering, explosions, and crying have all been heard. The radios may make sirens noises which coincides lights within the building flashing red for tens of minutes, though nothing dangerous will occur when this happens.
On New Year's Day of 2019 the sounds of people screaming started to be broadcast. Nothing on the radio could be heard except the sounds of screams which would play 24/7. This lasted for a whole year. Once 2020 commenced, the screaming stopped and the radio resumed playing music among other things, but the music sounded a lot more dark. Podcasts were swapped with people saying seemingly random sequences of numbers similar to a number station. Amelia noted down hours worth of numbers in one of her notebooks. The M.E.G. has attempted to decode the meaning of these numbers, but they so far have been unsuccessful.
The adverts usually advertise for products that can be found within this level, including RoboPets which it says are a replacement to animals. There are occasional news broadcasts about how all life on “Earth” gone extinct, how the environment is collapsing, and that humanity does not have much longer left. It is unclear why it says “Earth”, however this level may be intended to represent a version of Earth. Whatever mechanism has created the Backrooms seems to take environments from Earth and duplicate and exaggerate them. This level may just be an exaggerated version of Earth where environmental destruction has been taken to the extreme.
Following the screaming event, occasional utterances spoken by a different person every time in a monotone voice can be heard from the radio. A list of common utterances is given below:
- “Don’t give up.”
- “You could have prevented this. It is all your fault.”
- “We love you.”
- “There is nothing left.”
- “You have everything you could have ever wanted.”
- “All you can do is try your best”.
- “There is no answer.”
- “You have a beautiful soul.”
- “This cannot last forever.”
- “Radiance everlasting, brilliant evermore.”
Red light white lights are not the only Backrooms Robotics items that have made an appearance in this level. RoboPets roam the interiors of ~10% of mansions in this level. They are not friendly and will target any humans. They are extremely dangerous with sharp steel teeth and claws, near indestructible bodies, fast speeds and high intelligence. It is expected that wanderers are frequent victims of them, as when entering a mansion, they may not realise that RoboPets are inside. Several corpses have been found at buildings with RoboPets.
RoboPets cannot open and close doors or break walls. They do have a major weakness which is that they need to be regularly recharged. The simple way to defeat them is by disconnecting the solar panels from the building RoboPets are in and wait a few days for the batteries to discharge. Electroshock weapons are also quite effective at damaging their electronics.
RoboPets cannot be found outdoors or in structures that are not mansions, so they are not a threat in those locations.
RoboPets are the only entities which are present on this level (Though it is debatable if they can be called an entity). No biological life forms are present.
Discovery of Level
The first person known to have exited this level successfully was Yusuf Ibrahim sometime in 2022.
He unintentionally noclipped into The End while exploring a library. A member B.N.T.G. discovered him in a deluded state. They concluded that he had been stuck in The End for several years and Level 85 was an illusion of The End. Yusuf had no photographic evidence of the existence of Level 85. Yusuf died a few months after his discovery from lung cancer.
In May of 2011, Amelia was collecting data about Level 6 on behalf of The I.M.B.H. with two other people. She and her teammates noclipped into Level 85 when walking through Level 6’s corridors. They appeared inside a mansion where they got attacked by RoboPets. Only Amelia escaped successfully.
On 25 July 2024, Amelia Webster was driving towards a large palace, when she and her vehicle noclipped into Level 64. She was discovered by the M.E.G. operatives. Amelia had many items from Level 85 in her van, including some cameras. The photos from those cameras are the only known images of Level 85.
Bases, Outposts and Communities
M.E.G. Outpost
Two members of the M.E.G. who got trapped on this level founded an outpost alongside a few wanderers they had found.
This outpost had no association with the actual M.E.G.. Their base was at a warehouse which had significant quantities of royal rations and had taps which did actually dispense fresh water. There was also a Throne in the building which provided “emotional support”.
At the group’s height, they had eleven members which included Yusuf and Amelia. The group's main objective was to find an exit to Level 85, but according to Amelia they were not very good at this. She said they spent most of their time playing video games on the electronic devices within this level.
When radios began broadcasting screams on the eve of 2019, the psychological state of the group’s members deteriorated. The fresh water taps in the warehouse stopped working, forcing them into a nomadic existence. They scavenged for bottled water between buildings, many of which had already been raided by other wanderers. Three members of the group went missing when they explored a cave system found within the hills. This damaged the group's spirits even further.
A blood feud broke out within the group resulting in Yusuf Ibrahim fleeing. The remaining members gradually died from pollution inhalation, heat exhaustion or from being taken by flooding as they were spending longer periods outdoors. Amelia was the last member.
Entrances And Exits
All wanderers known to have entered this level noclipped from Level 6.
Amelia found several Level Keys for this level which could potentially open doors to access level 85. Amelia gave away the keys to the M.E.G.. The current location of the keys has not been disclosed.
The level is nearly impossible to exit. Warp berries do not function. The only way of exiting the level appears to be noclipping, but only if done unintentionally. Intentional noclips do not work.
Amelia reporting encountering a U.E.C. member, who Amelia later killed, with a Hermes device. They were in a state of desperation as they were not able to leave the level by using the device.
Given that this level is likely some kind of representation of Earth, the difficulty with exiting may be analogous to how entering the Backrooms from Earth is quite challenging and is usually only done on accident.