Start Log
Log 1: Time: 8:32 PM. Where am I? I was walking through Level 5, and fell in some hole. And now I'm here. Great.
Log 2: Time: 9:15 PM. Tried to open the doors multiple times, ended up in the same room again. I don't know if this has been discovered yet, so I'll try to communicate.
Log 3: Time: 10:30 PM. I tried breaking the windows. They are blacked out so it looks like I got to find somewhere else to get out.
Log 4: Time: 11:01 PM. Why did the lights go out? Wait… oh shit.
Log 5: Time: 11:35 PM. I just encountered some, thing. It had arms and legs all over it's body, if you can even call it one.
Log 6: Time: 6:40 AM. Still walking, still nothing.
Log 7: Time: 6:57 AM. I going to try to get communication again.
Log 8: Time: 11:42 AM. Okay, I got some good news. The lights are back on, and I got communication. They called themselves "MEG."
M.E.G. Operative: Hello?
Unknown: Hello! I am stuck in this looping room, and need urgent help.
M.E.G. Operative: Stay calm. I will send people to you. Now, what are your surroundings?
Unknown: An old basement. It's cold, and there is some shelves, vents, a broken TV, a window, and a few other things.
M.E.G. Operative: Okay, I'll tell some people to see what area that is. How did you end up there? and where were you last at?
Unknown: Level 5. Also, should I go through the window?
M.E.G. Operative: It's probably best if you don't, as neither of us know where that goes yet.
Unknown: Alright.
M.E.G. Operative: Has anything happened there?
Unknown: Well the lights went out like 12 hours ago, and encountered an entity with long limbs around its body.
M.E.G. Operative: How did you end up there again?
Unknown: Fell through a hole in the main hallway in Level 5.
M.E.G. Operative: Alright.
30 Minutes Later..
M.E.G. Operative: Some people were trying to think of a room similar to your description.
Unknown: And?
M.E.G. Operative: We couldn't find any looping basements.
Unknown: Oh.
M.E.G. Operative: Yeah, so you sho—
Unknown: Hello? Hello?
Log 9: Time: 10:40 PM. So it's "night" again, that's what I'm going to call it at least. And I'm just going to sleep on the couch tonight. Goodnight.
Log 10: Time: 11:22 PM. ALRIGHT THAT WAS A REGRET— *panting and the sounds of running* OH SHIT
Log 11: Time: 11:45 PM. *Heavy Breathing* Oh god. This isn't good. Look, listen to this. I am probably going to die here. No,I am going to die here. Don't go into a hole in Level 5. Or *chuckle* you'll end up like me.
Log 12: Time: 12:13 PM. How did I make it out alive. I encountered that, thing again, and there 3-5 of them surrounding me. I ran for my life for like 20 minutes.
Log 13: Time: 3:30 PM The window is whited out. I'm breaking out of here, fuck it.
Log 14: Time: 3:35 PM. I made it! I went through the level and I'm in Level 0. *sigh* I guess I should go find those MEG guys. If anybody sees this, and listen closely. Don't go here, it's probably best.
End Log