Level 26
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Article rewritten by Robert GoermanRobert Goerman and MC_Crafter_24_7MC_Crafter_24_7

Robert Goerman's Author Page

Critiqued and Greenlit by LiminalDoctorLiminalDoctor

Original Level Fun page by 1000dumplings1000dumplings

Theme created by MC_Crafter_24_7MC_Crafter_24_7

Many theme bugfixes and effects created by jdragynjdragyn

Thanks to cakelord114514cakelord114514 for fixing a few bugs with the page's background image

Personal Entry

I found myself eavesdropping unseen behind some military brass, strolling the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
Here is that conversation, to the best of my recollection…

First admiral: "She's gone!"

Second admiral: "Who's gone?"

First admiral: "The cruise ship Adventure. Maiden voyage. Skeleton crew."

Third admiral: "Sunk?"

First admiral: "Vanished! I warned them."

Third admiral: "About what?"

Second admiral: "Admiral Superstition here is upset about the steel they used to build her. It seems that they used the recycled metal from when the Greek navy scrapped their destroyer Leon (D-54) in 1999."

Third admiral: "Leon? That was originally our vessel. That was the USS…"

First admiral: "The USS Eldridge (DE-173)."

Third admiral: "Wasn't that the ship with wild scuttlebutt about teleportation and time travel back in 1943? You're not saying the Philadelphia Experiment really happened?

Second admiral: "It never happened."

First admiral: "Officially."

As instructed by M.E.G. psychic Anne Dunne, we are documenting weird dreams.1. I still do not understand the importance of this. The dreaded arrival of Partygoers HQ here on Level 246 probably triggered my lucid fantasy.

Operative Michael DeLuca interrupts to announce that the cruise ship Adventure has no-clipped to parts unknown. I step outside my tent to confirm this, noting the depression left by the hull of the ocean liner in the grassy terrain. She is, indeed, gone! Planes and ships occasionally no-clip here from the Frontrooms. This was the first time anything teleported away.

Ted Kowalski
M.E.G. Team "Watchdogs"


Class 5

  • Unsafe
  • Unsecure
  • Entity Infestation

NOTE: Much of the information here has been obtained from partygoer websites and confirmed by our lone witness and scrutiny on our behalf.


According to the name emblazoned on the ship, this vessel is the cruise liner Adventure from the Frontrooms. Nevermind any crude attempts to cross out the name and replace it with SS Fun =). Bearing a length of nearly five hundred feet (or one hundred and fifty meters) and a width of around sixty feet (or eighteen meters), this so-called Level Fun appears to be an ordinary cruise ship designed for overseas luxury vacations. What makes this ship extraordinary, however, is how it traverses the Backrooms. This steam ship's primary means of transport is neither sailing nor cruising, but instead no-clipping. Periodically, a green fog will cover the ship like a magician's cape. Lift the cape, and the ship is gone. Also quite magical, electricity somehow constantly powers every circuit on the ship without any need for generators.

We have found it necessary to divide the vessel into two parts: exterior and interior.


Nothing about this vessel resembles its opulent beginnings. The top, upper, and main decks of the Adventure, or the exterior, have suffered the effects of a perpetual demonic frat party. Everything that can be trashed has been trashed. Blood spatter is everywhere. Once-beautiful cabins, now garbage dumps, can be found on the main and upper decks. The upper deck also features a crimson pool (complete with victims both living and dead) that reeks of death and traces of a restaurant, bar, and lounge that hint at happier intentions.

These three exterior decks primarily follow reality as we understand it.


Only known photo of
the Adventure in green
fog before it disappears.
M.E.G. Archives


Going deeper into the ship changes everything. Lower decks appear infinite, as screams echo down endless corridors and countless party rooms. Most chambers feature typical party décor, while others reflect a theme, such as popular movies or holidays. There are even rooms with booby-trapped party favors and decorations. The elevators are the hub of these lower decks, opening into a labyrinth of hallways that branch off to every compass point. These lower decks take after the resident bogeymen, with areas combined into a vast hodgepodge of horror and original function.


Birthday Party Room
This photo of a party room
found on "SS Fun =)" was
taken from Partygoer website.
M.E.G. Archives

You can tell a lot about a party by the trash left behind. Partygoer garbage speaks for itself.


"Litter" left behind
by Partygoers.
M.E.G. Archives

Bases, Outposts and Communities

There are no friendly bases, outposts or communities on this constantly moving level. Partygoers are the dominant lifeform. They operate in an organized society, with this level acting as their headquarters. It is unknown whether they have colonies elsewhere.

[A Matter of Record]

The Arrival

Let's bring everyone up to speed. As the B.N.T.G. conducts clandestine scavenger operations called "Finders Keepers" across Level 246, the Major Explorer Group created Team “Watchdogs” as a countermeasure. These B.N.T.G. search teams seek no-clipped treasures from the past, present, and future. Advanced technology and prehistoric lifeforms are always in demand.

As we observed a “Finders Keepers” group operating due west of the “Circle of Stones,” an ocean liner no-clipped on to the level just north of their position. The vessel was named Adventure.

The "Circle of Stones," also known as Stonehenge 2.0 , offers the only known entrance and exits for wanderers. The megalithic ruin is similar to its counterpart in the Frontrooms. Arrivals no-clip into its center. Visitors depart by no-clipping through one of the prominent outer pillars. You can only no-clip through the stone pillars during the night cycle. Physical contact with the stones under the blood-red sun of the day cycle results in electrical shock and temporary unconsciousness.

Within moments of the ship’s arrival, three Partygoers disembarked by no-clipping outside of the circle. These entities decorated the ruins with party paraphernalia, impervious to any negative effects of touching the stones. They worked in sync and no-clipped away. One B.N.T.G. representative no-clipped when she picked up a party hat. Screams from the Adventure were believed to be hers.

We immediately secured the area and incinerated the party decorations by holding flaming torches near, but not touching, the offensive items. No further action was required.

Ted Kowalski
M.E.G. Team "Watchdogs"

The "Philadelphia Experiment"

Project Rainbow, also known as the "Philadelphia Experiment," is one of the worst-kept secrets in American military history. This granddaddy of conspiracy theories has been the darling of Hollywood movies and television shows, featured in many paranormal books (including my own) and magazine articles, and referenced in video games, podcasts, and YouTube documentaries. It has gained cult status.

During World War Two, scientists on both sides rushed to harness the most powerful forces in the universe. On the American side, the Manhattan Project created the first atomic bomb. Two years earlier, in 1943, Allied scientists birthed a nightmare.

Project Rainbow was an attempt to use the Unified Field Theory2 to make warships "invisible" to enemy radar and the magnetic detonators of torpedoes and naval mines. A destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge (DE-173), was fitted with special generators that created harmonic force fields to engulf and camouflage the vessel. The warship became enveloped in a green fog and, to the amazement of all concerned, became optically invisible. It was later learned that the ship had instantaneously teleported to Norfolk, Virginia, and then returned during its unexpected vanishing act.

If the experiment was a resounding success, the men were complete failures. Many were badly burned. Among the more serious side effects for the crew, some sailors rematerialized inside out, others were physically fused to bulkheads, and still others permanently vanished. Effects lingered, and survivors suffered bouts of invisibility and immateriality. One walked through a wall in view of his family and never came back.

The USS Eldridge was transferred to Greece after the war and put into service in January 1951 as the Leon (D-54). She was decommissioned in 1992 and sold as scrap in 1999. My instincts tell me that her steel was used to build the cruise ship Adventure.

During the winter of 1983, one of the scientists deeply involved in Project Rainbow was given six months to live. Cancer. He spent his last days in an ongoing "death bed confession" with his only son. The scientist was a widower, and the son never married. Dad's penance bonded the lonely pair.

Many years after his father died, that son and I secretly collaborated on my last book. I was the keynote speaker for a paranormal-themed cruise sailing through the Bermuda Triangle. The lecture was entitled "A Unified Field Theory of Metaphysics." This speech, intended to promote the book's release, ended up being my ticket to Level 365.

"What happens when you subject a steel needle to simple magnetism? It becomes magnetic. Then what happens to steel when you subject it to harmonic energies strong enough to render it invisible and teleport it hundreds of miles in an instant? What happens to the men bathed in those same forces?"

I still hear that tape-recorded confession in my mind.

"We used to say that the ship and her crew were magnetized," the scientist continued. "Not that they were actually magnets. But they were changed. Just like in the way that magnetized iron or steel is different. A penchant was created within the molecules, a latent potential for invisibility and teleportation, an attraction to the metaphysical."

Sailors walking through walls are no different than wanderers no-clipping through walls. We all become "magnetized" in the Backrooms. This is our new normal. We are forever changed.

How many of us will one day no-clip to nothingness?

Anne Dunne
M.E.G. Team "Epiphany"

Liminal Echo at Work

Deacon Duncan, identified elsewhere on this M.E.G. database as Partygoer Zero, has elaborated on the presence of Phenomenon 7 deep within the bowels of the Adventure. In his commentary displayed on Partygoer websites, the self-proclaimed genius expresses puzzlement over the fact that the interior of the ship is infinitely larger than the ship itself. More to the point, Duncan confirms the existence of the spontaneous generation of items and often ridiculous replication of areas below the main deck. One particular party room was cloned thirty-eight times in a row along a particular hallway. Something is constructing and defining this level independently of the efforts of the occupants of this vessel. We call this something Liminal Echo.

Perhaps this explains the recent infestation of Entity 110 in the darkest corners of the Adventure. Partygoers video document their razor-toothed arms "popping" these Carnivorous Balloons to eliminate the pests. Although these entities pose little threat to the Partygoers, they do compete for a common food source: humans.


There is a synergistic relationship between the Liminal Echo within the vessel and the mindset of the Partygoers. Each encourages the other to seek greater depths of horror, with Partygoers imagining new methods of trapping and torturing wanderers inspired by the sentience of this place and vice versa.



This poster will no-clip
you to "SS Fun =)."
M.E.G. Archives


This poster will no-clip
you away from "SS Fun =)."
(Artist rendition)
M.E.G. Archives


Adventure Appearances

As the Backrooms are so vast and this list is so short, it is apparent that many appearances are not witnessed or reported.

Existential Threat

  • The Major Explorer Group believed that by clandestinely hacking Partygoer websites, we might gain an advantage over this ever-increasing threat to human existence in the Backrooms. What we have recently learned is that our anonymous tipster is none other than Partygoer Zero himself. He is so convinced of the superiority of Entity 67 and their imminent rise to dominance that he is giving us "the keys to his kingdom." How does the M.E.G. defeat a traveling kingdom that is never in the same place twice?
  • Deacon Duncan sent the M.E.G. an e-mail: "In the time that it takes you to stop one of us, we can easily create another hundred."

Entrances And Exits


Finding and touching party paraphernalia (balloons, party hats, decorations, and posters) anywhere in the Backrooms might no-clip you here. You can also board the ship after it materializes.


Touch a reversed, out-of-focus party poster, and you will no-clip to another level. You can also jump overboard.

The FUN WAR is coming =)

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