Documentation of 213 was withheld from public access until proper vetting was completed. Current-day experiences on Level 213 may be inconsistent.
Information on this M.E.G. discovery was made possible by…
Dr. Kyung, Lee.
Always available on weekends at M.E.G. Base Omega, Level 4, or contact superior at ten.RB|ude.gem.sutcedortalrongisnom#ten.RB|ude.gem.sutcedortalrongisnom.
Additional Information:
Dr. Lee Hyo Kyung was born on Level 11 on the 4th of December, 1993. They are an “anomaly expert” with nine years of experience under their belt. Other expeditions Dr. Lee has assisted in have included explorations of level(s) 130, 214, 234, and many more. They are one of many researchers dispatched with Track Mappers.
Lee Hyo Kyung
Unknown Contact Site, Accessed via Level 11.
Access to the newly discovered level has been made. Reports from several individuals appear accurate. So far no entities or living beings have been spotted. The décor of this space is notably vintage. I get the feeling that this place is a little disorganized. All the tables are haphazardly placed and unclean. From where I’ve entered, I can spot windows to my left, decorated with a few antique items, though nothing I could specifically date. Back to what I was going to originally say- the windows display a city scene, but everything is devoid of life. It doesn’t appear to be showing the section of Level 11 I entered, so it could very well be a different level or sublevel to 11.
I nearly jumped in panic looking up from my notes. I noticed a mannequin posed in some sort of kiddie ride. Nearly slapped the damn thing despite the sign “No touching any of the antiques!” on it. Hopefully, nothing heard me shout, though judging by the clatter from a nearby section, I believe I might not be alone here. I’ll take a moment to take some photos for implementation within the log. There’s a neat wooden horse too, and it obscures what I can only assume is the logo for this establishment. I’ll take a photograph of it too (just because I think the horse looks interesting).
I’m writing this after taking my initial photos. I’ve noticed during a cautious walk around that there seem to be a few additional dining spaces, though this level is seemingly finite. I haven’t noticed any other rooms or non-Euclidean spaces once entering the modules to this level, and I can safely return to a room I’ve previously entered. Speaking of which, I’ve discovered quite a sight. I've ascertained the location of the clattering I heard before.
Additional Note: There are so many nifty things here. I might have to come back and take more photos of them on my own time.
Goodness, it seems I’ve discovered some sort of reception area. It has a dizzying array of signage and machines. Something about sandwiches, orders, and cashiers? I can’t begin to know where to start, but it appears like I can purchase some kind of meal or food here. Whatever an “Ollieburger” might be, and what they mean by it being “their specialty.” Not to mention there’s quite a mess of machines and equipment behind the counter. They have a few logos of brands, though I recognize none of them. If it’s a Frontrooms thing, I wouldn’t know. I’d recommend sending other teams to evaluate and confirm any details I might’ve missed.
Judging by what I’ve seen from other levels, and what I’ve been told, I can infer that I’m looking at a kitchen of sorts. At least, the machinery and ovens seems to be that of an oddly complex kitchen. There are all kinds of appliances I can barely make out, including a few bottles of some brown liquids and… the smell of cooking?
To my surprise, an individual actually walked over from another kitchen-style room nearby. I’m unsure at this point if this is an entity or another wanderer, though they appear to be fairly human. If this is a Skin Stealer, they’ve done a fairly accurate job mimicking a person. Overall, I think I have an idea of what classification to give this level.
Class habitable
- {$one}
- {$two}
- {$three}
This section is written a few minutes after my previous notes. The individual before me has identified themselves as “Ollie,” the “owner” of the current level. They seem old– and not quite keen on many conversations. I’ve asked them a few questions which can be read in a transcript below:
“Ollie” adjusted the black apron and black cap they wore. I’m unsure if this is the usual attire they wear, but I feel it is important to note regardless. Looking around the area where I currently stood, I could make out the other various antique items around. There are other things framed on some of the walls too, photographs. I’m unable to determine where exactly they’re taken though. I paced around for a small bit longer; ten or fifteen minutes until “Ollie” caught my attention.
They offered me a red, plastic tray with a few items on it. Two sandwich-esque food items primarily containing a meat substance, and a tubular meat item within a bread holding device, covered in an odd slurry of meat and sauce. This slurry also seemed to be present on one of the other meat sandwiches. A cup comprised of some sort of paper material featuring a plastic cover and straw was also present on this tray.
Before taking the meal I traded for, I decided to ask more questions about the level. The conversations were too in-depth for me to make a proper record, but I can confirm that this “Ollie” entity is not too keen on giving me their age, or how long they’d been there. I asked if anyone had considered establishing an outpost in the extra dining room, but “Ollie” sounded very confused about the idea; almost offended. I don’t understand why nobody can set up a base? It wasn’t like they ever left the counter from what I saw. They kept telling me that the level was their “property” and that “the seating area is for guests only” as well as, “not for permanent residence.”
Feeling that I might soon incur the wrath of this entity, I decided to switch the topic of conversation. I asked about the antiques, wondering if they had any sort of anomalous properties. Yet again, they seemed confused and insisted that they were all “purchased” and are as part of a collection. I recommend a request for B.N.T.G. records to see if there are any known sales or purchases to this “Ollie” being.
Despite the awkward conversations with the entity, I took the aforementioned tray to the seating area in the main entryway into the level. I was told by “Ollie” that I was allowed to sit anywhere, though I chose to sit near the door I entered through in case I had to make a quick exit due to any dangers. I’m saving this… odd meat tube for further studying and examination. The “burgers,” on the other hand, will be consumed and dissected by me to determine any obscure or anomalous properties they may have. If I die or turn into some sort of entity, may these records act as a warning to everyone else.
Update: I consumed one bite of the “Ollieburger” to find that it tasted quite incredible! I would assume that what I am tasting is a mix of the ingredients found on the “burger” I purchased. I went as far as consuming the entirety of that item, and the “chili cheese burger” as an additional control measure. They were both of good quality, and I would highly recommend anyone else who visits this place order these items. Waiting a few extra minutes after consumption showed no adverse effects (unless an upset stomach from eating too fast counts).
Additionally, the “root-beer” I ordered–while being a small quantity–also tasted like nothing else I had ever consumed before. A sweet, sugary taste featuring an oddly zesty, tangy bite and aftertaste. It fizzed in my mouth, leading me to assume that it might be some kind of soft drink or soda just as the signs suggested. I had always been told about them by those who had visited “the snackrooms.”
After I ate my meal, I stood and noticed a nearby reciprocal of some kind with other plastic trays stacked atop it. It featured the words “trash” on the front of it, so I approached and dumped the remaining mess of my meal away, leaving the tray and plates on top of the reciprocal. “Ollie” glanced over from the counter I initially encountered them at, giving me a wave as some form of greeting gesture as I made my way to the door.
My exit was not impeded, but leaving has caused me to discover what I could call the first “exit” from this level. I’ve ended up in The Hub of all places, and not Level 11 where I originated. I must look silly sitting on the ground writing this with that chili dog I purchased. If I were wise, I would've bought a container of some sorts to hold it so I wouldn't be getting chili all over myself. Regardless, I think that wraps up my preliminary notes on this investigation.
Level 213 is the 214th level of the backrooms, taking the form of a restaurant named “Ollie’s.” It consists of a basic set of dining areas with antiques scattered throughout, and a counter to order. A kitchen also exists, though wanderers are never allowed behind the counter to properly see it. The establishment is operated by a wanderer known as Ollie, although it is uncertain whether or not they are an entity or not, due to their refusal to leave the level or elaborate on themselves.
The main purpose of Level 213 is to feed wanderers. No harm is posed by the level, and no dangers exist except Ollie, who will become aggravated if a wanderer repeatedly touches antiques around the level, or refuses to pay for the food they order. It is unknown how food is made, or how ingredients reach Level 213, though it is assumed that the level has the unnatural property of being able to replenish itself when needed. This includes restocking itself with the ingredients which Ollie needs to run the establishment. Level 213 is also known to clean itself, as noticed by other M.E.G. teams who have entered the level.
Requests to establish a permanent outpost within Level 213 have not been made, since it is inferred that Ollie intends to keep the restaurant open for any wanderers which might want to dine in. The B.N.T.G. has denied ever knowing or speaking with Ollie or knowing of Level 213’s existence. This implies the antiques from Ollie’s must have appeared via other means. Ollie refuses to elaborate on whether or the antiques come from the level itself or not, stating that they feel “insulted” by the questions. This is consistent with data that suggests that Ollie never ceases operations of Level 213. Whether this is a property of the level, or Ollie’s own supernatural abilities is uncertain.
Entrances and Exits
Further evaluations have indicated that Level 213 can only be entered via randomly entering buildings on Level 11. The only exit from Ollie’s is the same door that the wanderer entered through, taking them to The Hub, or back to Level 11 on rare occasions.
Additional Editor Remarks: Please stop sending Dr. Kyung on these types of expeditions unaccompanied. He’s absolutely clueless in terms of Frontrooms things. He didn’t grow up out there like some of us did. At the very least, someone accompany him as per the expected procedure.