This is an excellent way of putting it, and I completely agree.
It's not like the article is poorly designed or poorly written either, but it's just… bland and sterilized.
Niku is always excellent at putting passion into her work, which is why this article feels so off to me. Like you said, it feels like a rewrite to get partypoopers back on site, not to improve or build upon the concept past a basic requirement.
I'll list a few of my thoughts here:
(+) Good explanation on Partypooper biology ("phobic centipedes are underdeveloped, etc") in order to make them unique
(+) Having them be a separate strain of the "Partygoer virus" (so to speak) allows for some creative use of the rewrite in the future
(-) Overwhelming abundance of artificial sympathy. Like Limdoc said, "There's nothing personal to this, I don't get why it's first person." We simply don't care about these characters, as they haven't been built up properly for any of their struggles to have real effect on a reader. Throwing in a line or two about "he misses his wife," and "People are going to treat me like shit now" are examples of this. They mean nothing, because we haven't been given time to actually walk in Reginald's shoes. Perhaps I'm being a tad bitter, but I strongly dislike when people go this route for trying to build emotional connections with characters. It feels unoriginal and it never pays off. This is the page's biggest downfall for me, aside from its sterilized feel. The "artificial sympathy" takes up a majority of the page's content; it's an overload of crybait that has no time to properly set in and warrant a real emotional response.
Conveying an emotion is one of the hardest things to do as a writer, I won't lie. Most people on this site have trouble truly capturing that essence. I'm not experienced enough to tell you how to connect with an audience, it's something you need to figure out how to do for yourself. There is no right way to do it, but there are certainly wrong ways. In this article it feels uninspired and insincere, which is *not* what you want for this type of thing.
In summary, I would like to see this revisited in the future. There's definitely potential here if given a proper format. The concepts of the entity can definitely be expanded on, but you've made a good starting point. Unfortunately, the safe nature of the page detracts from its positives.