I was recently introduced to the Backrooms Wikidot by my good friend. I was always aware of the backrooms before hand, but had only been exposed to the "Level 0 Brain-rot" side of it (ex. skib[REMOVED INFOHAZARD]ilet backroom amog us survivla minecraf!!). After extensive research on the wikidot, I've found that I really like the concepts and intricacies of the Backrooms, and would like to add my own intricacies and flare to the chaos!
Most of the works I'll be trying to get greenlit are gonna be Psychological stuff, philosophical stuff, concepts and anomalies relating to how reality works in itself. (I'm a big science guy if you couldn't tell :D )
I'll try to power-scale my POIs and levels as much as I can in order to avoid the "my oc most powerful oc dont steal raaagh" effect, but with the wild ideas that have been cropping up in my head lately, I can't make any promises!
Be nice to your Transporters, boil your almond water, protect your Dunks, and with that…
See you through the Blue Channel!