I felt… almost compelled to upvote this one, mainly because it seems mostly "true to itself", in a way. What confused me a bit is how the page momentarily transitions to a bit of narrative before suddenly forgetting about it. To be blunt, it feels quite unnecessary and cliché to have, and it is pretty common that this kind of paragraphs feel like filler to me; this is no exception. This is not the first time narration feels tacked on to me in (at least a couple; got to read more) Desolation pages because it is never (a) given a clear direction/purpose, and (b) it seems like a way to evade the fact that the rest of the article would otherwise feel unengaging, at least to some extent. Pages of this kind seem to purport to leave me with a minuscule sense of eeriesness and to deliver their (quite subtle) impact, but I struggle to feel this; is this even intended? I cannot tell.
While I could not find any glaring issues regarding grammar, the tone should be a little more consistent. To be more precise, towards the beginning, the article made use of the second person which I personally feel is unwarranted. This… actually did not slow down the read a bunch, but it certainly felt out of place, considering how sporadically and suddenly this way of describing was used. This mostly does not apply to the Survival Guide section as it feels pertinent to the context.
I would argue that the page is not completely unengaging, but I think more emphasis should be put on the "Desolation" aspect in a way that does not feel overly monotonous.
So, like, congrats, you glued me in equilibrium. To think about it, I do not find these issues able to be frowned upon.