Hey guys, thanks for checking out my recreation of the Nonbelievers. I had thought about it for a long time if I should reintroduce them again. (The answer is yes) I hope everyone who is reading this would enjoy it.
I would like to give special thanks to:
BlueSignet, Rey, Blockhead, Derrick770, Cakelord, Liminal Doctor, Kai4Christ, Comma_Enjoyer, KadoCactus, MonsterSpooky, John John Johnson, PenorSaber, and Herobrine.
Concept change:
BlueSignet - She provided much needed help for the change in the Merciful Nonbelievers behavior. Special thanks to her.
Kai - gave amazing help for improvement of both Nonbeliever entities.
Liminal Doctor - Areas of improvement in my first article I had created for the Nonbelievers.
DecemberDecline - Given my Greenlight for the Nonbelievers (thank you December)
And I would like to give special thanks to Social_X for the image of the Nonbelievers.
Again I greatly appreciate everyone's help to make this possible once more. Enjoy reading it!
P.S. - if I missed anyone, please let me know