The following is a proposal made in our official Discord server by one of our Admins, ghostchibi. As it is a change that would affect both site-only and Discord-only users, it has been decided that the discussion should be moved here. Again, this is only a proposal, and this post is not meant to indicate that it is an official change to the site.
The proposal1:
On-site forums might as well be a nuclear waste disposal site with how little traffic they get. It’s kind of goofy that the on-site forums of the wiki are the least likely place to get critique for posting pages to the wiki. It’s also extremely difficult to navigate discord threads to find specific comments sometimes, because the point of discord is to chat. I feel like we can alleviate a few issues in one fell swoop by moving draft critique to the wikidot forums.
The Concept:
- Use the draft critique forums for all draft crit.
- The checkmark system—a system that has looser posting standards but is exclusive to the Discord server—may still be used. Critics leaving a checkmark must clearly indicate in their post that they are giving the draft a checkmark, and of which type of checkmark2. It is the draft author’s responsibility to keep track of the checkmarks. Users are still allowed to do draft crit in Discord DMs, Wikidot PMs, etc., but the critic must post a summary of critique and edits in the forum thread for their checkmark(s) to be valid.
- The sandbox forum, sandbox-critique, and, sandbox-cwitique-2 channels would be archived and no longer usable. Users would be told to post in the critique forums.
- The stickied threads in the draft critique forum will be deleted and rewritten to give current info on how critique, greenlighting, and checkmark clearing functions.
- The idea-critique and idea-cwitique-2 channels will remain.
- The site-forum-feed channel would remain as a way to inform users of new draft threads.
- The rule of one thread per draft per person will still apply, with an allowance of one extra thread per person exclusively for co-authored drafts, i.e. you may not post two threads for two non-co-authored drafts.
The Pros:
- More usage of the actual wiki.
- More users encouraged to join and participate on the wiki directly.
- Wiki-only users will have access to critics and greenlight-process users (GLers, GLTs, GFTs).
- Greater difficulty in spoofing/faking checkmarks.
- Easier access to previously sent draft crit for authors.
- Less channel bloat on the Discord server.
- Easier access to policies and advice on drafting by sticking the appropriate staff-written thread, rather than expecting users to dig through discord channel pinned messages.
The Cons, and ghostchibi's arguments against them:
- Forums do not offer fast/easy back-and-forth ⬅️ Most critique consists of large chunks of text being sent by the critic, followed by the author making the edits. By the time the draft reaches a stage where rapid chat-type communication between critic and author is useful, it’s basically ready for posting. If this is inconvenient, hop on Discord, finish up there, and garner your last checkmarks (and/or greenlight).
- No pings on forums ⬅️ Role pings are practically useless. Direct user pings are the only way to get a response anyway.
- Harder to get attention on the forums ⬅️ Forum threads have a description that can be added to the thread. This description section should be utilized. Many people simply put “read my draft” or “new draft” or something along those lines in the description, giving no indication of what is in the draft. Use your resources wisely.
- The wiki itself blocks access to some users ⬅️ We may ask people to act as messengers for users who can’t access the actual wiki forums, as long as those users aren’t blocked for disciplinary reasons.
- Users need to be wiki members to receive draft critique ⬅️ You need to be a wiki member to post pages at all. Why not join the site before you start writing?
After a bit of discussion within the Discord server, ghostchibi provided an alternative, which is pasted below:
- Alternative to archiving the sandbox channels on the Discord: archive only sandbox forum and sandbox-cwitique-2, leaving sandbox-critique available for rapid-fire crit. All other crit should still happen on the wiki’s forums, and crit that happens in sandbox-critique still requires a summary on the wiki forum thread for checkmark validity.
Please leave your thoughts in a reply below. Should enough interest be garnered, an internal/community vote will held as a means of deciding whether the current system will be kept as is or changed to adhere to all that was stated above.
One more step till the next step…