Hey everyone, just to let you know, the Licensing Team (specifically scutoid studios) has created a new component to add to your pages instead of the author collapsible. You can find it here.
Whenever you use an image, audio, video, or any other source of media, put the credits in the license box. Neat thing about the license box is that it automatically creates a way for people to give you credit if they use their page, and it looks incredibly neat! Here it is in action: Entity 46
We ask that you go through any of your pages that have the old author collapsible and replace it with the license box. Anything that was in your old author collapsible that is not a piece of media I mentioned above can stay in the author collapsible, for example, a list of pages you've done or thank-yous to critics and other site members.
Again, this component is a requirement, so you may see staff members and staff helpers going through pages and removing the author collapsible. That should be the only change being made to your pages.
But if you could go through your own pages and do the license box yourself, that would be a big help! Thank you!