i see that a lot of effort went into this, so i would say that you should give it another shot eventually! the concept is great, so you've got that going for you!
but the execution is too unsubtle. the ending with the box quite literally labelled this is the true level. is so blatant that it came off more comedic to me than spooky
the images are really good, and the css is nice.
also: PLEASE include a license box on any new pages you post ! please add one to this one.
~ scutoid (backrooms wikidot mod, backrooms fandom admin.)
I totally understand. Being a rookie I always appreciate comments like this that can help me be a better writer! Thank you!
Imagine a link that leads to the true level
"We're supposed to be threshing wheat and dying of smallpox." - Max0r, 2022
Seriously though, I suggest changing the execution as it's too comedic.
Still, it's a +1 in my book for an okay read. Also hay bales.
+1 I really like how you were able to add format screw without making the level entirely rely on the format screw
does anyone see these forum signatures, also why does this have more space than the description
I really like this idea. I like it when people take really normal things and make it into something cool. Very interesting read! :)
Apollo >:3