Partygoers are finally back! Sort of. Next comes the partygoer and Level Fun rewrites. This is just a little taste of what's to come. I'm so glad Robert could make this page to help add to the lore for them. I think it's just an amazing page!
This was, believe it or not, to be my entry in the Partygoer "contest."
If nothing else, we explain why Partygoers are the way that they are.
Your friend and colleague,
Didn't realize it was an April fools joke, eh? To be honest, I would have fell for it too. Aaron92 tried to loop me in through pm, but as I posted in the forums, I was on break and did not get to the page for the "partygoercon" before it was took down.
Just a high schooler who thinks he is good at writing. Likes working on a lot of stuff, ranging from writing for the Backrooms Wiki, to providing critique, and reading. ~ Pen.
"The truth is the truth. What changes is what we know about it and what we're willing to believe."
- Jonathan Maberry, Rot and Ruin
Conceptually, I loved the direction this took. There, it seems set to surpass the original in every way. However, the journals don't fully do the concept justice (I'll explain in-depth if Robert wants), and I feel like what's attempted with the pacing, while really cool, detrimentally offsets the context as a result.
Goodness, wikidot has a weird account system. What's this weird forum signature thi
I tell stories. No more. No less.
But I really do appreciate that you took the time to comment here. Some folks vote and never let the author know why. Thank you ever so much for your input.
Your friend and colleague,
Somewhat to do with what Secondtoinfinity said in the post above, and also somewhat due to the way this is written, I was hesitant to downvote, and more cinclined to novote. However, I do like the concept and what you're trying to convey here, and I see no reason to actually downvote this. You got your point across, and you made it at least somewhat meaningful. Mission accomplished in my books.
THANK YOU for the +1. This is my first Person Of Interest article. I went with a POI because I felt that it was the least restrictive in terms of format, etc. Also, I had an idea to focus on the story of the individual behind the Partygoers. Was able to touch a few bases about why Partygoers are Partygoers. You folks are great!
Your friend and colleague,
Its me the poi guy
You get a +1 because Im biased towards this category
(And also because its partygoers that don’t suck)
THANK YOU for your support and kind comments. We started with a human and a human story and ended with FUN = ).
Your friend and colleague,
Dr Bierre,
Always good to hear from you, my friend. Once again, I try to bring the reader the unexpected. Taking the Partygoers and giving them hearts and human souls. Trying to explain that the smile face originated with the Phobic Centipede, etc. You honor my efforts. THANK YOU!
Your friend and colleague,
The first partygoer seen months after their downfall.
Well, you see, there was this "contest," but it was really an April Fool's joke, but it triggered this idea for an origin story….
THANK YOU for +1.
We never like to let an idea go to waste.
Partygoerman =)
Your friend and colleague,
Another well written, well executed article from you. I'm not a particular fan of the partygoers, but I enjoyed your concept and reading the journal entries.
New Partygoers. Darker Partygoers. Converting "that" to "this."
Darn April Fool's joke! Get us senior citizens all excited!
TBH, the Partygoers were never a "thing" with me. Really!
THANK YOU for the vote and your kindness. This is FUN =)
Your friend and colleague,
Like it, unique presenting way and impressive story.=)
THANK YOU, thank you, thank you! Although they were once human, the Partygoers are now the Velociraptors of the Backrooms. I plan to paint these pack hunters in "darker" colors. More to come….
Your friend and colleague,
you get +1
+1 =)
hi it is me aaron92
You readers / authors are wonderful.
THANK YOU for all the +s!
Your kindness keeps this old fool going….
Your friend and colleague,
hi it is me aaron92