I thought of something, could the group of boys actually be burglars? since that is what I kinda think about
"If you take a man, who is willing to do anything for his son, and you take away his son, there is no limit to what that man will do to get revenge."
Poor Clement. The fact that these things happen to actual families just makes this all the more heartbreaking.
This is a pool in a villa house. Some sounds can be heard in the pool. There is a man called Clement who owns the place. He is introverted. The inside of the house has normal luxury house stuff, and the second floor was formerly blocked off.
Clement's wife was killed in a car accident, and his daughter was drowned in the pool by gangsters. There is also footage of the incident where his daughter was killed. Clement is depressed due to this, and after an interview, he said he will get revenge by killing the murderers with a firearm.
hi it is me aaron92
The level description included is the article only goes into detail about the pool and everything else is just kinda glossed over, I get the pool is the most plot relevant location but glossing over everything else just makes it seem like the M.E.G. did a lackluster job when writing this. Also it bothers me that there is whole town outside the villa and the M.E.G. doesn’t even mention it, it only gets a few offhand references in some of the logs.
The part where Clemente talks about his wife’s death felt like it was only include to try and make the reader feel more bad for him, it’s sad he had to go through that but I find it hard to really feel bad for him because I just met the guy. Also it doesn’t really even add anything to the rest of the story because it seemed like the source of Clemente’s pain mostly comes from Elisa’s death rather than her’s, she’s never even brought up again, if this scene was cut nothing would really change.
I feel like the surveillance footage showing what actually happened to Elisa could be a really bone chilling scene but the reason it isn’t is because her murder is described in such a monotone way that it doesn’t really have its intended effect, I just kept a straight face during the whole scene.
Another problem I have with the surveillance tape is the fact that it was found so easily by the volunteer (or at the very least there’s no insinuation that they had trouble finding it) when the police couldn’t even find it. Like how could the police not find it when some random person was able to find it so easily?
As brought up in the article Elisa’s death lead to Clemente emotionally closing himself off making it really hard to get him to open up but doing so isn’t impossible, the volunteer was able to do this, that’s cool and all but how? I think a log or something showing how there relationship became relatively positive would have been nice. This just feels like another example of how this article glosses over basic plot details.
I feel like the part where the pool water turned into blood had like zero build up and just came out of left field, why did this even happen?
Lastly I feel like the ending is kinda anticlimactic because Clemente goes to kill the group of young boys and then just leaves town, that it. Him coming to terms with Elisa’s death isn’t shown and the reader doesn’t even get to see him confront the people that caused all his suffering.