jan Jejasa,
Thanks for your honest input. I am truly disappointed that my fiction has upset you. Every perspective is unique and subjective feelings about so many things are as diverse as the number of individuals on this Earth.
From the moment that I discovered and enjoyed these Backrooms, I saw a beautiful opportunity to experiment with nonhuman intelligences from elsewhere. For more than five decades, I have investigated and researched (in real life) the legend and "lore" of alleged human-nonhuman "relationships." Fae. Extra-terrestrials. Extra-dimensionals. Men in Black. Dark, spiritual entities. "Trickster" phenomena. Et cetera. I used this "knowledge" to invent the intelligences of levels 365, 710, and now 345.
Liminal Forest is my interpretation of nonhuman beings creating a "theme park," based on their "alien" skill set, to lure and study humans. They know how valuable an exit to the Frontrooms would be. They know how precious that memories are to people. Their version of this amusement park loses a little in translation, much in the same way that RPG video games collide with differences in language and culture.
These nonhumans are taking Liminal Forest very seriously, in their own way. Putting yourself in their place, the prize in the GUESS YOUR WEIGHT game guarantees participation. Using memories that can be actually experienced (paused, rewound, played over and over) guarantees participation.
Many parts of this storyline that read as "small side-notes" reveal larger clues. I promise. Level 345 is darker than its obvious humor.
Perhaps you will find my treatment of an actual exit to the Frontrooms in the Anne Dunne trilogy more to your liking. Perhaps you might enjoy my other writings.
Once again, thank you. I mean that.
P.S. I changed the sentence you highlighted into a question.