Due to popular demand, I have decided to create the wiki’s 3rd collaborative log. This log is based off of my Object 56 article, and has no direct relation to its lore. Due to that, feel free to be completely creative with this. You are allowed to use metric instead of Customary, use Level numbers, etc.
- I reserve the right to remove any entries I do not approve of. You are allowed to be creative, but I will not be allowing rule breaking content or posts such as “sussy imposter smoothie.” I politely request that all additions are run by me either through wikidot pms or discord dms at Natedagreat563#7458.
- Please try your best to use backrooms objects for this when possible. For example, instead of saying “water” say “almond water”
- You are at full liberty to not abide by the rules of the original article, as this is a separate thing. If you want to use metric, refer to things by their level numbers, etc. you are free to do so.
- If you need help producing the side info graphic, feel free to dm me, but I have placed a set of directions below:
- You may submit entries roleplaying as other characters/groups/etc. go wild
Anyways I hope you enjoy this collaborative log! I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!