thanks to Nate for greenlighting! I am very out of practice and forgot the css lol
Talking With Dracula: Inexplicably Extended Edition! / Discussion
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» Talking With Dracula: Inexplicably Extended Edition!
This is the discussion related to the wiki page Talking With Dracula: Inexplicably Extended Edition!.
oh yeah i should make a title
Bart0nius 01 Nov 2021 13:23
bart deletes the wiki accidentally
professional water drinker
qwhat food does quinoa taste olike it feels like ti should beo bvous??
There are roads,
a samurai must travel…
Ok is quinoa dead or something? What was up with the gunshot?
Nobody else wonders this? \_(-_-)_/
Pretty much pretended to shoot the Dracula. Well, ‘cause the Backrooms are weird as hell, I can only assume that’s what he did.