Just noting my +1, great read!
~~~🐜Ant boi baby🐜~~~
Just noting my +1, great read!
~~~🐜Ant boi baby🐜~~~
this is just new jersey. +1 anyways
- random bitch on wikidot
Hello, my name is Dan. I got the greenlight to go ahead and write for level 665, but the people also gave me access to 666 even though i didnt ask for it. I actually asked for 665 or 667 depending on which were available and i guess they screwed up…i dont plan on changing anything you have written BUT i do have a few questions.
1. How do i get the caption under the picture to post? Ill be honest, i used your template but i dont have a real clear understanding of hypertext…
2. How do i get the level list to show the level AND the name of the level "The Wasteland" ?(right now it only shows the level but not the title of the level, it still says NO DATA.
Anyway, thanks for your time, and i hope to speak to you soon!
Dan (Soldierfor666)
You you think I could use the DEALS system in one of my levels? Thanks.
— beans
approx. how far do you think you’d have to run for? just a question because i honestly have no idea how to calculate that and because, well, why not.
Similar to Level 94 and Level 974, I am sorry to tell that the concept of this page is overrated. If it gets a rewrite, the concept needs to be less overrated.
How is this concept overrated? Please explain a better reason.
Seconded. One cannot make a Level less overrated, if being overrated is not controllable by the author. Also, this concept is still executed perfectly enough to deserve an upvote.
- Mal0gen, the skullgen in your phone.
Yea this guy keeps claiming that good concepts are “overrated” without evidence.
how is this even remotely similar to level 94 and 974?
theyre all overrated
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So being in heaven causes you to lose your sanity. Or heaven is the same as hell. :-)
Level 666 is a level that has become popular because of its number. And I have no surprise. Normally, I had many Expectations from these "important" numbers but most of the time I was disappointed. Lets look at this.
First of all, concept:
Rather than a flaming, burned down place like a normal hell in most beliefs (like religions or other beliefs) this level shows your Biggest fears and Your weaknesses to attack you, which is better than what would I expect a level with "666" number. This is actually can be counted as the "scariest level" because everyone sees their own fears, which makes this automaticly a "top 10 scariest backrooms levels" type level. If you ask me this level would be a mountain thats on really long heights, Too dark,full of hallucinations where I see bad things towards my loved ones and some creepypasta monsters (that I am afraid of) being hostile entities on there since these are my Biggest fears.
Concept is good overall and suits for the number 666.
Another good thing is that this level has a special classification System for manifestations. Special classification Systems for levels was not something that we see a lot on this wiki.
However, I have two problems:
1 - where did the Mountain King gone? Literally asking, why did it got removed? So right now, there is no exit for this level, thats something that I don't like. Levels should have atleast onr exit unless its a level like TH3 SH4DY GR3Y. Exiting level 666 should be hard, but atleast there should be a exit. There is no reason for it getting removed.
Second: logs
Manifestation logs are really unrealistic. For example, how do M.E.G knows these? Did they recorded this shit with camera? Did they contacted with them (unless they are connecting with an Internet or an İnternet call thats impossible)? We really need explanations for these.
Overall, UltimateSword's rating: 7/10. Good level but needs some fix.
I know, I can do it.
A bit dated, but still holds up today. +1
What’s even the point of the DEALS rating system? This level could’ve just been classified as variable with each manifestation being given different SD classes like class 3 or class 5.
Also I wish the author explored more unique fears, the fear of spiders, car crashes and what happens after you die has been rammed into the ground by numerous media.