The reason I gave this a downvote is because you're missing the colonies/outposts page. I like the level concept, but it needs to have that, even if there are no colonies.
I like the idea, but like other articles there are a good amount of grammatical errors that are scattered within the article. I'll no-vote this one.
Finding the Forgotten, Mending the Found.
Personally I really like it, only thing is that I feel like the special rooms are a bit weird, but I guess that's the point lmao. In general it was really nice to read, great job! +1
level 87 but worse. also conveniently placed right next to it lmao.
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I always forget about this level and level 87 because they are pretty much the same exact level. 87 is a bit more interesting but hell even the images of the 2 levels are almost identical. Both of the levels are incredibly mid so its a novote from me but again I do enjoy 87 more so I am more apt to give that one an upvote.
Ehh. The writing is rather poor and every room besides the extinguisher room seems to have something deadly in it, which makes opening any of the doors rather pointless.
This needs some work. Give the rooms an effect that doesn’t involve death or danger so explores will have a reason to go to this level
2020 nothingburger.