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> Hi !! I'm BEACH. I use he/him pronouns, and I'm an artist around these parts.
Welcome to my CYAN ZONE !! I'm using this place as a storage compartment for some of my Backrooms-related artworks.
I promise there wasn't much here before—just this big sea back here and these defunct COMMAND TOWERS I haven't a clue what to do with. Hardly a good place to grow anything in, especially not palms.
Besides the readily apparent interest, I have also lingered on SCRATCH way longer than any self-respecting artist should be and continue to obsess over (and make) obscure animated series lore. I have logged more hours of YUME 2KKI than any video game I have ever paid money for.
What follows is a collection of my Backrooms art, organized in each category by (roughly!) chronological order. Browse as you wish !!
Also, just in case— slight eyestrain & blood warnings for some of these pieces !!
Oh? You're still here?
Well, if you're interested in what else I'm up to elsewhere—I do upkeep several other ZONES scattered throughout cyberspace, accessible via the IMAGE HYPERLINKS below. Feel free to visit anytime!
Thanks again for popping by— take care now !!
These arts were brought to you by BUBBLINGBEACH
Beach trivia: These zones here aren't all there are. How quaint!